The Civil War:The Civil War:

Once again, make a timeline answering the 5 W's:  Who, What, Where, When, Why and also answer What weapons were used, and how many casualties on both sides?  (Due Monday, November 30)


Slavery:  a triangle route was used to transport Africans long before this Civil War.  Let's take a look at this:

4).  Keep practicing writing your thesis statements.  

You can use most of the topics listed below  or make up some of your own.  Try to write a strong thesis statement at least twice a week.  Start by reviewing these links.

How to write a strong thesis statement

Below are a few Essay Topics -

Pick the Essay Topics below, until you've written thesis statements for all of them.  After,  make up one of your own.  


                                                                                       Essay Topics

The Perfect Home for Less Than $400,000

Iraq - Problems and Solutions

Social Pressure in School

What Is A Good Life?

The Five Most Important Things to Know

What the World is Like For Teens Today

What Every Parent of Teens Should Know

The Perfect Car

The Best Teacher I Ever Had

Which Career for Me?

Assume Nothing - What Does it Mean?

"Mean Girl"s.  Truth or Fiction?

The Most Important Person in My Life

How I Will Raise My Children

My Best Friend

Abortion - Both Sides

Five Ways to Be Truly Annoying

What My Brothers and Sisters Mean to Me

The Ups and Downs of Friendship

1).  Grammar, Reading Comprehension

Use me or I?  

"I" should be used because it's the correct choice when it comes to subjects. It can also be helpful to consider the position of the word in the sentence. "I" is used before the verb, while "me" is almost always used after the verb (the exception being the predicate nominative).

Let's watch a quick video:

Language Arts:  Conventions and Usage; text with questions  

Worksheet #2 (1-12)