
International projects

  • STAR project (n.°12955Q6, 2006-2007, with South Korea" : « Composite materials for aeronautic structure » with Seoul National University. The aim was to develop mechanical and thermal models of composite patches in order to reinforce metallic structures.
  • PATRES, european project 2007-2010 : PATRES project (PATern RESilience) aimed at studying the influence of spatial patterns on the resilience of complex environmental systems. Link

National projects

  • ANR project VIRGO (coordinator, 542 ke), 2016-2020 : the aim of this project is to use viability theory for managing the resilience of coupled infratsructure systems.
  • ANR project DEMETHER (coordinator, 1 960 ke, awarded as flagship project in 2015 by the ANR), 2011-2015 : the aim of this project is to use oleaginous and cereal by-products in order to insulate the existing buildings by panels made of these by-products. The originality of this project consists in using matrix made of biopolymers (polysaccharides). This approach is coupled with environmental models in order to take into account the viability of these new materials and their industrial applications. Link
  • ANR project DISCO, 2009-2012 : the objective of this three-years project (2010-13) is to develop and study computational and mathematical models of biofilm dynamics, taking into account the biodiversity (distribution of bacteria species) and spatial structure. The project gathers specialists of IBM study and reduction techniques, mathematical analysis of ecosystems modelling, multi-scale modelling of complex structures and dynamics, wastewater engineering and biodiversity measurements through DNA fingerprints, and solid waste biodegradation and microscopic biofilm structure imaging. During the project, models will be confronted to experimental data at both micro and macroscopic scales. Link
  • ANR project FORGECO (member of the steering committee), 2009-2012 : through the example of sustainable forest management, the FORGECO project, proposes to work within the framework of a comprehensive and integrative approach from the plot level to the landscape level, considering adaptive management and an analysis of ecological thresholds. This comprehensive approach is supported by a bottom-up participative approach in tandem with decision-making aid tools. The project privileges a participative and adaptive approach of expertise on forest management and its ecological and socio-economic vulnerabilities, thought the construction and evaluation of intensification forest management scenarios (i.e. sylvicultural practices, harvest). Link

Other projects

  • Project Dynindic (IRSTEA project), 2012-2014 : we aim at developping indicators in order to better take into account dynamics in the description of systems.