Working Papers

Please email for the latest version. *Indicates paper with Cal Poly student(s)

Forests and Birds

Street Tree Biodiversity and Urban Heat*, with Paola Rendon, Natalie Love, Camille Pawlak, Jenn Yost, and Matthew Ritter

Covid-related Surge in Global Wild Bird Feeding: Implications for Biodiversity and Human-Nature Interaction, with Darryl Jones and Liqing Li, Revisions requested, PLOS ONE

Gaming the Baseline: Certified Timber Production in Cameroon. Jacqueline Doremus

A Causal Estimate of Avoided Energy Use from Tree Shade, with Joe Maher


The Plastic Economy, with Lihini De Silva and Rebecca Taylor, Revisions requested, IRERE

Can Consumer Boycotts Backfire When Retailers Mediate Sales? The Case of Microplastics in Toothpaste, with Steve Hamilton and Timothy Richards.


U.S. Cannabis Laws Projected to Cost Generic and Branded Pharmaceutical Firms Billions, with Ziemowit Bednarek and Sarah S. Stith Revisions requested, PLOS ONE

The Kids Aren't Alright: The Effects of Medical Marijuana Market Size on Adolescent Use, with Rosanna Smart, Revisions requested, Journal of Health Economics

Other Topics

Social Media's Effect on High Schooler Mental Health: Could Body Image be an Important Mechanism?* with Jack Keefer and Carlos Flores

Food Stamp Enrollment and Mental Health*, with James Hasbany

Works in Progress

Nudging Female Applicants into Business and Economics, with Katya Vasilaky

Project abstract from Cal Poly RSCA Grant (scroll down)

Urban Forest Biodiversity and Asthma Attacks, with Jenn Yost, and Matt Ritter

Is Access to Urban Forest Biodiversity in California Equitable?, with Cami Pawlak*, Natalie Love, Jenn Yost, and Matthew Ritter