Selective Published Papers or Working Papers by Topics:

"The Synergy between Protected Area Effectiveness and Economic Growth" (with Binbin V. Li, Shuyao Wu, and Stuart Pimm), Current Biology, 2024.

"The Impact of Air Quality on Innovation Activities in China" (with Shaoqing Huang and Chunhua Wang), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2023.

"Do Institutional Investors Facilitate Corporate Environmental Innovation?" (with Shaozhou Qi, Jia Xu, and Shu Zeng), Energy Economics 2023.

"Can International Climate Cooperation Induce Knowledge Spillover to Developing Countries: Evidence from CDM" (with Zhenxuan Wang and Haishan Yu), Environmental and Resource Economics, 82 (2022), 923-951.

"The Effectiveness of China's Regional Carbon Market Pilots in Reducing Firm Emissions" (with Chunhua WangJunjie Zhang, and Yang Zheng ), PNAS, 2021, 118 (52)

"Firm Internal Network, Environmental Regulation, and Plant Death" (with GianCarlo Moschini), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2020.    

"The Environmental Effect of Trade Liberalization: Evidence from China Manufacturing Firms" (with On Kit Tam, Bei Wang, and Yan Zhang), The World Economy 43:12 (2020), 3357-3383.   

"Does Environmental Regulation Affect Firm Exports? Evidence from Wastewater Discharge Standard in China" (with Chenghao Lu and Yan Zhang),  China Economic Review, 2020.   

"Low-carbon City Pilots and Firms' Environmental Innovation" (with Jia Xu) (in Chinese), China Industrial Economics (《中国工业经济》), 12 (2020), 178-194.

"China Regional SO2 Cap and Trade Program and Corporate Green Innovation" (with Shen Lin and Shaozhou Qi) (in Chinese), Economics Research Journal (《经济研究》) 12 (2018), 129-146.  

"Carbon Pricing Induces Innovation: Evidence from China's Regional Carbon Market Pilots" (with Junjie Zhang and Yang Zheng), AER Papers & Proceedings 18 (2018), 453-457.  

"Induced Clean Technology Adoption and International Trade with Heterogeneous Firms," the Journal of International Trade & Economic Development 26:8 (2017), 924-954.  

"Productivity, Export and Environmental Performance: Air Pollutants in the United States" (with Harvey Lapan and GianCarlo Moschini), American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98:2 (2016), 447-467.  

----------------------- Working Paper --------------------------

"Minimum Wage Rate and Firm Emission Abatement" (with Chao Han and Chongyu Li), 2024, Working Paper, under review.

"Carbon Price, Innovation, and Firm Competitiveness" (with Junjie Zhang and Yang Zheng), 2023, Working Paper, under review, [Article Link via SSRN].

"Carbon Leakage within Firm Ownership Networks" (with Chunhua Wang, Zhenxuan Wang, Junjie Zhang, and Yang Zheng), 2023, Working Paper, under review. [Article Link via SSRN].

"Green Finance and Corporate Green Innovation: Evidence from the Equator Principles" (with Jia Xu and Shu Zeng), 2023, Working Paper, under review. [Article Link via SSRN]

"Research Collaboration beyond the Boundary: Evidence from University Patents in China" (with Tianqi Li and Zhenxuan Wang), Journal of Regional Science 2023.

"Exports and Innovation: Evidence from Zhongguancun Firm-level Innovation Data" (with Mu Chen, Xueli Zhang, and Ziyin Zhuang) (in Chinese), Management World (《管理世界》), 1 (2021): 76-87+6.

----------------------- Working Paper --------------------------

"The Gender Disparity Impacts of the Top Five: Evidence from Scientific Publications in Economics" (with Zhihan Liu and Ande Shen), Working Paper.

"China Aid and Food Security: Evidence from Chinese Agricultural Technology Demonstration Center in Africa" (with Shen Lin)  (in Chinese),  China Economic Quarterly (《经济学(季刊)》), 23:5 (2023), 1758-1775.

"Can CDM Projects Trigger Host Countries' Innovation in Renewable Energy: Evidence from Firm-level Dataset in China" (with Xi Liu, Yongping Sun, and Haishan Yu), Energy Policy 139 (2020).   

"Welfare and Carbon Mitigation Effects of China Ethanol Policies" (with Yunlan Yang and Yongping Sun) (in Chinese),  China Economic Quarterly (《经济学(季刊)》), 19 (2020): 767-776.   

"Assessment of Carbon Leakage by Channels: An Approach Combining CGE Model and Decomposition Analysis" (with Yu Liu, Bin Su, and Xiujie Tan), Energy Economics 74 (2018), 535-545.  

"Impacts of US Biodiesel Mandates on World Vegetable Oil Markets" (with Jeremy Martin), Energy Economics 65 (2017), 148-160.  

"Welfare Impacts of Alternative Biofuel and Energy Policies" (with Joseph Cooper, Harvey Lapan, and GianCarlo Moschini), American Journal of Agricultural Economics 93:5 (2011), 1235-1256.