I am a tenured Associate Professor of Applied Economics at the Division of Social Sciences, Co-Acting Director for the Environmental Research Center at Duke Kunshan University, and Interim Director of Graduate Studies for the  International Master of Environmental Policy (iMEP) Program at Duke Kunshan University

Prior to the current position, I was a Chu-Tian Junior Scholar from the Department of Education in Hubei Province, Associate Professor at the School of Economics and Management at Wuhan University, China, Post-Doctoral Research Associate, and Visiting Assistant Professor in the CARD at Iowa State University, the United States. I obtained a Ph.D. in Economics from the Department of Economics at Iowa State University in May 2012, an M.S. in Economics from Wuhan University, and a B.S. in Economics and Mathematics from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China.

I am broadly interested in Energy Economics, Environmental Economics, Economics of Innovation, and International Trade. My recent research has the following major themes:

 (1) the driving forces of the patent boom in China, in particular, climate policy and low-carbon innovation; 

 (2) China's great leap forward in science and technology;

 (3) the evidence-based causal relationship between firms' decisions and climate risk in China;

 (4) trade and the environment: theory and evidence;

 (5) the welfare impacts of biofuels and related energy policies in the US and China.

My research has been funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No 71603191, No 71741013, and No 72073055).

I currently also serve as an Associate Editor for Environment and Development Economics and Editorial Council for JAERE.

Contact:                                        Email:  jbcui2013 (att) gmail.com;   jingbo.cui (att) duke.edu

                                                            Mail Address:   IB 1023

                                                            Duke Kunshan University

                                                            No. 8 Duke Avenue, Kunshan, Jiangsu, China, 215316

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