
Peer-reviewed journal articles:

28. The effects of social pensions on nutrition-related health outcomes of the poor: quasi-experimental evidence from Peru . Health Economics, 33(5): 971-991, 2024  (with N Bernal & M Surhcke)

27. A distributive analysis using Peru's National Transfers Accounts.  Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 26, 100480, 2023

26. The long-term scars of Peru’s COVID-19 policy response on pension security. Global Social Policy, 23(2): 369-372, 2023

25. Presentation: Special Issue of ECONOMÍA “Economic Inequality and Redistribution Policies” (Guest Editor)Economia, 45(90), 2022 (with Francesco Andreoli) 

24. Public support for tax policies in COVID-19 times: Evidence from Luxembourg.  International Tax and Public Finance, 29: 1395-1418, 2022 (with Philippe Van Kerm)  [WP] 

23. Six Ways Population Change Will Affect the Global Economy.   Population and Development Review, 48(1): 51-73, March, 2022  (with Andy Mason,  Ronald Lee, et al.) 

22. Ageing unequally in Europe. Socio-Economic Review, 20(1): 401-422, January, 2022  Award: Highly Commended Paper at the 2nd International Seminar on AAI 2018

21. Choice of pension management fees and effects on pension wealth. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 176: 539-568, August, 2020  (with Noelia Bernal)  [WP]

20. Preferences for redistribution and exposure to tax-benefit schemes in Europe. European Journal of Political Economy, 63, June 2020 , 101880 (with Francesco Andreoli)  [WP]

19. The role of nutrition and literacy on the cognitive functioning of elderly poor individuals. Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 32(3): 276-295, 2020  (with A Leist & R Novella) [WP] 

18. The distribution of pension wealth in Europe. Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 13: 30-42, 2019   [WP] 

17. Gender differences in cognitive abilities among the elderly poor of Peru. Economia, 42(83): 95-109, 2019 (with Rafael Novella)

16. Macroprudential policy and household wealth inequality. Journal of International Money and Finance, 85 July: 262-277, 2018 (with JF Carpantier & P Van Kerm) [WP]

15. Inequality in old age cognition across the world. Economics & Human Biology, 29: 179-188, May 2018 (with F Andreoli, A Leist & L Chauvel)

14. The division of inter-vivos parental transfers in Europe. Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 9: 41-51, 2017 [WP]

13. Pension insecurity and wellbeing in Europe. Journal of Social Policy, 46(3): 517-542, 2017 (with Valentina Ponomarenko)  [WP]

12. Cognitive functioning among poor elderly persons: evidence from Peru. IZA Journal of Development and Migration, 7(19):1-13, 2017 (with Rafael Novella)

11. Welfare, inequality and financial effects of a multi-pillar pension reform: the case of Peru. Journal of Development Studies, 52(10): 1401-1414, 2016 [WP]

10. An assessment of a proposed pension reform in Peru. Apuntes, 43(78): 9-40, 2016  [link to Spanish version]

09. Successful ageing and multidimensional poverty: the case of Peru. Ageing & Society, 36(8): 1690-1714, 2016 (with Isabelle Tournier) [WP]

08. Preferences for redistribution in Europe. IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 4(14): 1-18, 2015

07. Changes in inequality and generalized trust in Europe. Social Indicators Research, 124(1): 21-41, 2015

06. Is low fertility really a problem? Population aging, dependency, and consumption. Science, 346(6206): 229-234, 2014 (with Ronald Lee, Andy Masson, et al.)

05. The ex-ante effects of non-contributory pensions in Colombia and Peru. Journal of International Development, 26(7): 949-973, 2014 (with Blanca Zuluaga)  Award: 2015 Inter-American Award for Research in the Field of Social Protection

04.  Preferences for redistribution after the economic crisis. Economics and Business Letters, 3(3): 137-145, 2014

03.  The life-cycle deficit in Peru: An estimation with NTA. Notas de Poblacion 41(98): 75-102, July 2014 (in Spanish)

02.  The elderly and social protection policies in Peru. Economia 37(73): 75-112, June 2014 (in Spanish) (with Jhonatan Clausen)

01.  Voluntary affiliation to Peru's individual accounts pension system. International Social Security Review 62(3): 23-48, Sep. 2009 (with Carmen Li)  


Book chapters:

08. A cross-country and cohort analysis of active ageing differences among the elderly in Europe. In: Building Evidence for Active Ageing Policies, Zaidi A., Harper S., Howse K., Lamura G., Perek-Białas J. (Eds.) Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. Pp.: 261-294.  [chapter]  

07. Wealth, top incomes and inequality. In: National Wealth: What is missing, why it matters, K. Hamilton and C. Hepburn (Eds.)  Oxford University Press, 2017. Pp.: 175-206. (with Frank Cowell, Brian Nolan & Philippe Van Kerm) [WP] 

06. Objetivos y efectos de las pensiones no contributivas. In: Ideas para una Reforma de Pensiones. L. Carranza, A. Melguizo and D. Tuesta (Eds.) Universidad San Martin de Porres. Lima, 2017. Pp. 129-161. 

05. The Welfare State and Anti-Poverty Policy in Rich Countries. In: Handbook of Income Distribution, A.B. Atkinson and F. Bourguignon (Eds.). Elsevier, 2015. Pp. 2063-2140 (with Brian Nolan & Ive Marx). [WP]

04. Peru (chapter 13). In: Beyond Contributory Pensions: Fourteen Experiences with Coverage Expansion in Latin America. Edited by R. Rofman, I. Apella & E. Vezza. World Bank, Washington, 2015, Pp.: 333-359

03. Perú (chapter 13). In: Mas alla de las Pensiones Contributivas. Catorce experiencias en América Latina. Edited by R. Rofman, I. Apella & E. Vezza. World Bank, Buenos Aires, 2013. Pp.: 393-423.

02. Estudio sobre el diseño y costo de una pensión no Contributiva en Perú. In: Envejecimiento con dignidad, por una pensión no contributiva. Oficina Internacional del trabajo (OIT) y PUCP. Lima, 2011. Pp.: 171-186.

01. Cobertura y afiliación al Sistema Privado de Pensiones del Perú. In: Desarrollo Económico y Bienestar. Homenaje a Maximo Vega-Centeno. Edited by E. Gonzales de Olarte & J. Iguiniz. Fondo Editorial PUCP. Lima, 2009. Pp.: 221-239. (with Carmen Li)




02. Recuperando la Solidaridad en el Sistema Peruano de Pensiones. Una Propuesta de Reforma. Consorcio de Investigación Económica y Social - Universidad de Piura. Lima, 2010. 151 pp.

01. El Derecho a la Oportunidad: Mujeres Gerenciando Empresas. Movimiento Manuela Ramos. Lima, 1999. 198 pp. (with Julia Velazco)


01. Las Cuentas Nacionales de Transferencias del Perú y los desafíos para lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Serie Población y Desarrollo N° 129 (LC/TS.2019/106), 2019, Santiago, Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL). (with Yadiraah Iparraguirre)

 02. Peru’s Social Policy Response to Covid-19: Jeopardizing Old-Age Security. CRC 1342 Covid-19 Social Policy Response Series, No. 11.  University of Bremen, 2021

Book reviews:


01. Bosch, Mariano; Ángel Melguizo y Carmen Pages. Mejores Pensiones, Mejores Trabajos: Hacia la Cobertura Universal en América Latina y el Caribe. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, Octubre, 2013, 239 pp. In: Economia, Vol 36, No. 72: 209-211.