

Omitted Variable Bias in Interacted Models: a Cautionary Tale (with Ben Feigenberg and and Ben Ost), Forthcoming, Review of Economics and Statistics

Getting Students to Show Up: Generational Differences in the Effect of Teachers on Black and White Student Absences (with Nhu Nguyen and Ben Ost), AEA Papers and Proceedings, 114: 517-522, May 2024

COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and Hesitancy in Low and Middle-Income Countries (with multiple coauthors). Nature Medicine, 27: 1385-1394, June 2021.

Early Life Medicaid Eligibility and Human Capital (with Anuj Gangopadhyaya). Economics of Education Review, 82: 102092, June 2021. (Online appendix)

The Role of Families in Student Sorting to Teachers (with Ben Ost). Journal of Human Resources, 55(2): 470-503, March 2020.

Does Teacher-Family Experience Affect Test Scores? (with Ben Ost). Contemporary Economic Policy, 37(3): 509-523, July 2019.

Additional Returns to Investing in Girls’ Education: Impact on Younger Sibling Human Capital. Economic Journal, 128(616): 3285-3319, December 2018.

Assessing the Smooth Rise in Mothers' Employment as Children Age (with Darren Lubotsky). Journal of Human Capital, 12(4): 604-639, December 2018.

Academic Probation, Student Performance and Strategic Course Taking (with Marcus Casey, Jeffrey Cline and Ben Ost). Economic Inquiry, 56(3): 1646-1677, July 2018.

Siblings, Teachers and Spillovers in Academic Achievement. Journal of Human Resources, 53(1): 272-297, January 2018.

Estimating Effects of School Quality Using Multiple Proxies (with Pedro Bernal and Nikolas Mittag). Labour Economics, lead article, 39: 1-10, April 2016.

Working Papers

Ok Boomer: Generational Differences in Teacher Quality (with Nhu Nguyen and Ben Ost), Revise and resubmit

SMS Girl: Sending Messages about Re-enrollment and Learning to Adolescent Girls (with Tazeen Fasih, Koen Geven, Amer Hasan, Kevin Macdonald and Rabea Malik)

Selected Work in Progress

Ridesharing and Mothers' Labor Market Outcomes

Too Many Scientists and Engineers? (with Dan Black and Jeffrey Smith)

Leveraging Video-Based Technology to Enhance In-Service Teacher Training (with Faisal Bari, Farooq Naseer and Abbas Rashid)