Be Strong,
Be Fit,
Be Well.

Jason Bryant,
Certified Personal Trainer

Certified Fitness & Performance Specialist

Certified Human Movement Specialist

Congratulations on taking a step towards a happier and healthier life. If you're searching for a personal trainer, that means you have a goal, or goals... Perhaps to reach or maintain a desired body weight, improve physique, increase energy and physical abilities, perform better in sports or activities that you enjoy, decrease risk of injuries and numerous health conditions... These are all benefits that can be achieved through a custom fitness and performance program.  

By combining principles and methods of multiple courses, I offer highly adaptive, concise and dynamic fitness and performance training sessions. Focusing on both strength and endurance, I help clients to be able to live a more productive and active lifestyle. 

 - MY STUDIO -   
I work with clients on a wide range of equipment, from traditional free weights and cable machines, to battle ropes, kettlebells, tractor tires, sledge hammers; to press, pull and push towards achieving their fitness and performance goals.  

Schedule a no-cost, no-obligation consult:
Call  330-732-5145

Studio, by appointment only:
1280 South Mahoning Ave.
Alliance,  Ohio 44601

What are you going to eat today? Follow along with some of my meals in "pan to plate pics"... no complex recipes or detailed macros... just simple meal ideas. Part of the motivational, inspirational and informative content you can find on my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: 


"(1) To increase the quality and duration of your life by boosting your performance, productivity and well-being. (2) To reduce the potential for long term health problems. (3) To motivate you toward achieving success in all areas of your life by providing you with easy-to-follow strategies."

Mark Verstegen, Founder of EXOS 

Level 3  Coach,
Strength & Conditioning,
Adaptive & Unified Sports

FMT L2, Adv. Kinesio Taping

MCT 2.0, Adv. Myofascial Compr.

Battle Ropes L2, Kettlebell L2 

ViPR Loaded Movement Training L2

Functional Golf Specialist 

Advanced Strength & Power, Applied Neuroscience, Tactical Training Systems