

I am interested in applied and theoretical microeconometrics with a focus on duration analysis and applications for high-dimensional statistics in econometrics. I have several current grant-funded projects with a strong focus on transdisciplinary work. 


Mental Health and Abortions among Young Women: Time-varying Unobserved Heterogeneity, Health Behaviors, and Risky Decisions (arXiv preprint  arXiv:2103.12159), joint work with Bettina Siflinger,  forthcoming Journal of Econometrics.

Evidence for a two women quota at university departments across disciplines, , arXiv:2109.14343  forthcoming Review of Economics and Statistics. News Coverage: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 28.2.2022 

Labour Supply in the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Empirical Evidence on Hours, Home Office, and Expectations, joint work with Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, Radost Holler, Bettina M. Siflinger, Christian Zimpelmann, Labour Economics,  Vol. 73, Dec. 2021, earlier draft available as IZA Discussion Paper No. 13158.

A general semiparametric approach to inference with marker-dependent hazard rate models, joint work with Gerard van den Berg, Enno Mammen, Jens Perch-Nielsen,  Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 221, March 2021, pp. 43- 67, earlier draft available as  IZA DP No. 8339 2014.

Bandwidth selection in marker dependent kernel hazard estimation, joint work with M. Luz Gamiz Perez, Maria Dolores Martinez Miranda, Jens Perch Nielsen, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis  Vol.68, Dec. 2013, pp.155-169.

Working Papers

Structural models for policy-making: coping with parametric uncertainty (arxiv preprint arXiv:2103.01115 )joint work with Janos Gabler and Philipp Eisenhauer,  revise and resubmit (second round), International Economic Review.

Labour Supply in the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Empirical Evidence on Hours, Home Office, and Expectations, joint work with Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, Radost Holler, Bettina M. Siflinger, Christian Zimpelmann, IZA Discussion Paper No. 13158.

Selected Current work

Selecting relevant outcomes using the sparse-group lasso in a multiple outcome setting, joint work with Christopher Walsh.

Diversification of German Universities: Evidence from two natural experiments, joint with Anna Bindler and Barbara Boelmann.

Robust Estimation of Hazard Functions for Old-age Mortality, joint with Enno Mammen, Jens Perch-Nielsen.

Ongoing externally funded projects

6/2024  -   Leverhulme Trust Mid Career Research Fellowship, (48,000 £) Childcare, Mental Health, and Education: Addressing Inequality through Policy Counterfactuals 

04/2024 -  British Academy Small Grant, (3,537.00 £), Heterogenous treatment effects in grouped fixed effects models and revisiting the child penalty

from 9/2023- ODISSEI Microdata Access Grant (MAG), (7,500 ), Childcare, mental health, and education - Evidence from childcare subsidy changes in the Netherlands,  joint with Bettina Siflinger. 

Concluded External Projects

9/2021-  Reinhard-Selten Foundation Grant (RSI), (5,450 €), Effects of changes in childcare subsidies on children's health, maternal labor supply and spillover effects, joint with Bettina Siflinger. 

5/2021 - 5/2024  German Research Foundation (DFG), (my share as PI: 136,300€), SEPAN, Role: PI, joint with Jan Hasenauer, Michael Hölscher, Eleftheria Zeggini, (project number (GZ) JA 2569/2-1)

 2/2021 - 7/2022  TRA-1: Mathematical Modeling of Complex Systems Network (University of Bonn, German Excellence Strategy), (80,000 €) for the project:  Uncertainty quantification, and robust decisions - Initiating a transdisciplinary research program. Role: PI, joint with Jan Hasenauer, Phillip Eisenhauer, Daniel Oeltz.

 1/2021 - 7/2022 Volkswagen Stiftung research grant (119,000 €)  for the project E^2-Modeling. Role: PI, joint with Jan Hasenauer and Phillip Eisenhauer.

 1/2021 - 7/2021 Reinhard-Selten Seed grant (4,115 €), for the project Diversification in German Universities,  joint with Anna Bindler and Barbara Boelman.

 9/2020 -- 9/2021  German Research Foundation (DFG), Research Fellowship, for the project High-Dimensional Methods in Microeconometrics  ( 62,400 €, (Project number 441253219)