Short CV

CONTACT DETAILS Last Updated: 10 Sep 2020 Dr. Januka AttanayakeSchool of Geography, Earth & Atmospheric SciencesUniversity of MelbourneParkville 3010VictoriaAustralia
+61 3 9035 9926januka.attanayake {@}
EDUCATIONPhD; Geological Sciences (Geophysics); August 2012 The University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA. Thesis Title: Seismic Structure and Dynamics of Earth's Upper Inner Core and the F RegionAdvisor: Prof. Vernon F. CormierGPA 3.797/4.000
B. Sc. Geology with First Class Honors; Minor: Physics; June 2005 The University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.Thesis Title: Two Dimensional Electrical Resistivity Imaging: Filled River BankAdvisor: Dr. H.A. DharmagunwardhenaGPA 3.77/4.00
COMPUTER SKILLSSynthetic Seismogram Algorithms: WKBJ, Full Wave Theory, Reflectivity, MINOES, Yspec, QSSP, Gemini, Direct Solution Method, F-K Method, EXSIM, Computer Programs in SeismologyData Analysis: Seismic Analysis Code (SAC), ObsPy, SOD, Taup Toolkit, GMT, Multitaper mtspec, Seismic Handler, RES2DINV, RadExPro (reflection seismology), FaultKin (fault kinematics)Programming: MATLAB, Fortran, Python, and Shell ScriptingOperating Systems: Linux/Unix, Windows, and Mac OS XOther: Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint, Open Office Software Suite, Adobe Illustrator CS2, , Inkscape
PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTSSchool of Earth Sciences, Univeristy of Melbourne, Melbourne, AustraliaResearch Fellow (CI) and Course Coordinator, February, 2018 - Present • Managing geophysics research projects worth over AU$ 1M Coordinating and teaching Dangerous Earth and Geology for Engineers subjects
Institute of Geophysics - University of Münster, Münster, GermanyPostdoctoral Research Assistant, November 2015 – January 2018 • Determining the growth process of the Earth'ssolid inner core
University College London, Department of Earth Sciences, London, UKHonorary Research Associate, November 2013 – Present • Imaging the seismic structure beneath western Iberia using teleseismic Rayleigh wave ellipticity.
Instituto Superior Técnico, Laboratório de Sismologia, Lisboa, PortugalPostdoctoral Research Associate, April 2013 – June 2015 • Imaging the seismic structure beneath western Iberia using teleseismic Rayleigh wave ellipticity.
The University of Connecticut, Physics Department, Storrs, CT, USAPostdoctoral Fellow, December 2012 – February 2013 • Inverted PKIKP+PKiKP differential travel times and waveforms using Reflectivity synthetics for velocity and attenuation in the uppermost 80 km of the inner core. • Presented new evidence to suggest more complex structure than simple degree-one in the inner core. • Interpreted these results in terms of geodynamic models and inner core melting and freezing hypothesis.
The University of Connecticut, Center for Integrative Geosciences, Storrs, CT, USA Research Assistant, May 2008 – August 2012 • Modeled PKIKP, PKiKP, and PKP (BC and Cdiff) differential travel times and amplitude ratios to constrain velocity & attenuation in the uppermost 550 km of the inner core - Full wave theory, Reflectivity, and WKBJ algorithms. • Retrieved source time function of earthquakes by inverting P waveforms – Fortran and MATLAB programs. • Wrote MATLAB, shell scripts and GMT codes to process/ visualize time series data and maps. • Wrote macros within Seismic Analysis Code (SAC), SOD to automate data processing/ retrieval. • Assembled two large datasets containing diffracted and reflected seismic core phases. • Analyzed GPS data to predict strain partitioning in the oblique collision/convergence tectonic system in Taiwan. • Imaged 2-D electrical resistivity of a drumlin (a glacial landform) to investigate properties of its core. • Assisted field surveys and data processing of ambient seismic noise and ground penetration radar to image shallow subsurface. • Presented findings at national and regional science meetings.
TEACHING EXPERIENCEThe University of Melbourne, School of Earth Sciences, AustraliaCourse Coordinator/Lecturer, August 2020 - Dangerous Earth Geology for Engineers
The University of Münster, Institute for Geophysics, Münster, GermanyInstructor, January 2016 – January 2017 Methods and Tools of Geophysics Geophysics Special Topics Seminar for B.Sc. Students
The University of Connecticut, Center for Integrative Geosciences, Storrs, CT, USAHead Teaching Assistant, Earth & Life Through Time Laboratory, January 2007– December 2007 • Managed and Trained 5 Teaching Assistants. • Planned, researched, introduced and coordinated implementation of a new syllabus for GEOL 105 introductory laboratory sections. • Wrote a lab chapter integrating laboratory and field work to study groundwater flow.
The University of Connecticut, Center for Integrative Geosciences, Storrs, CT, USA Teaching Assistant, September 2005– December 2011 Earth and Life Through Time introductory laboratory sections (GEOL 105/1050) Earth Structure (GEOL 252) Earth Surface Processes (GSCI 3020) Other standalone lectures in Physical Geology and Global and Applied Geophysics.
OTHER WORK EXPERIENCETravelers Insurance (NYSE-Listed: TRV), Commercial Actuarial Strategic Development, Hartford, CT, USAIntern (Research Analyst)-price optimization modeling, May 2010 – July 2010 • "Big-Data modelling" with nearly a million insurance accounts • Built a logistic model to predict the likelihood of making renewal offers to accounts that mature at the end of a policy year • Modeled Interactions between variables • Predicted retention rates for hypothetical price changes across all accounts for an already built midterm cancellation model • Presented/discussed model to/with the senior management
Travelers Insurance (NYSE-Listed: TRV), Commercial Actuarial Strategic Development, Hartford, CT, USA Intern (Research Analyst)-predictive modeling, May 2009 – August 2009 • Built two insurance rate plan factor models based on pure premium using Double Generalized Linear Modeling (DGLM) macro - Equipment Breakdown optional coverage, Vehicle and Other peril coverage • Mined data using SAS coding • Univariate analysis of pure premium, frequency and severity of claims • Presented/discussed models to/with the senior management
National Water Supply & Drainage Board, Groundwater Investigation Department, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka Trainee Geologist, June 2004 – July 2004 • Performed 1-dimensional electrical resistivity sounding to explore potential groundwater well sites • Interpreted sounding results and estimated depth to groundwater table
HSBC, Credit Card Authorization Department, Colombo, Sri Lanka Banking Assistant, September 1999 – March 2001 • Authorized credit card transactions; Resolved customer credit card related problems; Made low level credit approval decisions • Fraud Detection
GRANT AWARDS2021 – 2022 “Bridging micro- to macro-scale characterisation of subsurface energy storage”Manchester-Melbourne joint research fund (Co-PI with Dr. Lin Ma at Manchester University, UK), AU$20,0002021 Chancellery (Academic), Teaching Dual Delivery Contributions, Univ. of Melbourne, AU$ 2,000/-2020 - 2022 Optimization of earthquake monitoring and characterisation for CCS applications in Gippsland (PI), ANLEC R&D, AU$ 424,370
HONOURS AND AWARDSOutstanding Reviewer, Physics of Earth and Planetary Interiors, Elsevier, 2017Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Sri Lanka (TOYP), Junior Chamber International, December 2017Predoctoral fellowship, Physics Department, University of Connecticut, May 2011Travel grant; EarthScope USArray Data Processing Short Course, Northwestern University, IL, August 25-29, 2010 Outstanding Graduate Student Teacher; Verba Docent, Exempla Trahunt, Integrative Geosciences, The University of Connecticut, 2009/10 Graduate Student Fellowship; The University of Connecticut, 2006– 2007 Travel grant; Earthscope/USArray Imaging Science & CIG Seismology Workshop, Washington University, St. Louis MO, 31st October – 2nd November, 2006 Fellowship; Center for Integrative Geosciences, The University of Connecticut, 2006 University award for academic excellence; The University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 2005 Prof. Ananda Gunatilake book award for academic excellence; Geological Society of Sri Lanka, 2004
PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONSAmerican Geophysical UnionEuropean Geophysical UnionGeological Society of Sri Lanka