
Computers to the Gentry

Hi Everybody, this is the latest information from our technical team! The NBN is coming to you!

Here is the place to check when it is at your home.


1. You will get a letter from NBN that they are ready for you.

Don’t let anyone push you, after you get the letter you have 18 month to join but you have to join if you want an internet or a phone connection after that time.

2. This is a good time to change your provider if you are not happy with them. Keep in mind that your email address will be gone, if you use your providers email system (the best email is with Gmail or Hotmail, now outlook.com).

3. Now you tell your provider that you want NBN.

They arrange an NBN installer.

You tell the NBN installer where you want the NBN box installed!

Consider: if it is easier for them, the NBN people will attach it to the guttering or your car bumper.

You need the NBN connection where you have your modem router, keep in mind that the telephone will get connected to your router.

4. If you have more telephones connected by cable in your house, the phone cabling may have to be changed. Here the best idea is to buy a wireless phone, you connect the main set to the router and the other phones all over the house are connected wireless.

5. This is also a good time to consider if you need a home phone maybe your mobile plan covers your phone needs (I use Virgin, unlimited calls and 3 GB data $31.00 per month)

6. For your internet I suggest you ask for the lowest speed internet connection, you can always upgrade.

7. If you have an alarm system, you need to change how it connects to the base. It will cost quite a bit but if you sign up for 2 years or so many alarm companies will do it for free.

8. Last but most important, if you are in need of special attention, Medical alarm, emergency call buttons and similar, then first check everything before you change over to NBN.

Warning: the changeover can take a long time, I have seen 7 weeks to get the phone working. Prepare yourself with mobile phone and wireless dongle if you depend on your connections.

Now a quick test, stand in front of a mirror,

if you look anything like this, call for help!

No fear

Janssen here:

0419 720 523

When you get a call about your computer

Almost nobody will call you for your benefit.

Ask them to call back in an hour and contact me.

Tell me what they said and I will give you advice, for the cost of a phone-call!

Don't be bullied into letting anyone into your computer.