Janez Kren

Research Officer, ESRI & Trinity College Dublin


Tel.  +353 85 723 44 61

 ▶ Google Scholar profile

 ▶ CV (pdf)

The Economic and Social Research Institute 

Whitaker Square

Sir John Rogerson’s Quay

Dublin 2


Firm-level attitudes and actions to the “Twin Transition” challenges of digitalisation and climate change with Martina Lawless, published in The Economic and Social Review, Vol. 55 No. 1, Spring (2024)

paper , working paper , online appendix

▶ Note on the 1988-2024 update of 'Concording EU Trade and Production Data over Time'  

note , input files

▶ How has Brexit changed EU-UK trade flows?  with Martina Lawless, published in European Economic Review, January 2024

paper , working paper , replication code (zip) , replication data (zip), featured in Politico EU, The Guardian, Irish Times, RTÉ, Financial Times

Structure of international goods trade for Ireland and Northern Ireland  with Martina Lawless, published as ESRI Survey and Statistical Report Series 117, July 2023

report , featured in BBC Northern Ireland, Irish Times, RTÉ

SME financial distress and the macroeconomic recovery: A microsimulation approach with Martina Lawless, Gerard McGuinness and Conor O'Toole, available as ESRI Working Paper 718, January 2022

paper-policy version , journal version (pdf) , slides (pdf) , featured in Irish Times, Irish Independent

Initial impact of Brexit on Ireland-UK trade flows with Eimear Flynn and Martina Lawless. ESRI Working Paper 714, December 2021

paper , featured in Irish Times, The Journal, RTÉ, Politico EU, Irish Independent

Cost of doing business during COVID-19: SME investment in public health compliance. With Martina Lawless and Conor O'Toole, ESRI Working Paper No. 701, May 2021

paper , slides (pdf)

New survey evidence on COVID-19 and Irish SMEs: Measuring the impact and policy response. With Conor O'Toole, Fergal McCann, Martina Lawless and John McQuinn. Published in 'The Economic and Social Review', Volume 52, Issue 2, Summer 2021

paper , slides (pdf) , featured in Irish Times,RTÉ  

The Great Trade Collapse and the determinants of UK export margins: A cohort‐ and firm‐level matching approach with Mustapha Douch, Terence Huw Edwards, Jan Van Hove. Published in 'The World Economy', Volume 44, Issue 10, October 2021


Recent trends in SME investment in Ireland: exploring the pandemic and barriers to growth With Leona Cantillon, Eric Gargan, Martina Lawless, Conor O'Toole. ESRI Survey and Statistical Report Series 113. July 2022

report , featured in Irish Times

▶ Exchange rate pass-through to trade prices after the Brexit referendum

paper , Stata code (zip) , data (zip 85 MB)

Do data policies impact the productivity performance of firms and industries? with Martina Francesca Ferracane and Erik van der Marel, published in Review of International Economics, Volume 28, Issue 3, August 2020

paper , working paper , VoxEU column

Services in the European Union: What kinds of regulatory policies enhance productivity? with Erik van der Marel and Mariana Iooty, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 7919, 2016

paper , World Bank EU RER report

Dynamics in European exports in times of crisis: The impact of growth at home and abroad with Huw Edwards and Jan Van Hove, published in Romanian Journal of Fiscal Policy, Volume 6, Issue 1, January-June 2015

paper + online appendices (pdf) , slides (pdf)

Assessing intra-industry trade in times of economic disintegration with Huw Edwards and Jan Van Hove

paper (pdf)

Estimating trade creation and trade diversion of economic integration agreements (work in progress)

draft (pdf) , slides (pdf)

Adjustment process of economic integration agreements (work in progress)

draft (pdf)

Conferences, workshop and seminar presentations

06 Dec 2023    Northern Ireland Economic Conference, Templepatrick

04 May 2023   Irish Economic Association, Athlone

03 Apr 2023    Royal Economic Society, Glasgow

09 May 2022    Maynooth University seminar

05 May 2022    Irish Economic Association, Limerick

14 Sep 2021    ESRI seminar

11 Sep 2021    ETSG 2021, Gent

06 May 2021   Irish Economic Association

17 Jun 2021    ESRI seminar

18 Dec 2018    RES PhD Meeting, London 

03 Dec 2018    Graduate seminar, Leuven

03 Apr 2018     AMEF 2018, Thessaloniki

10 Sep 2016     ETSG 2016, Helsinki

23 Jun 2016     Trade & International Economics Workshop, Leuven

11 Sep 2015     ETSG 2015, Paris 

19 Nov 2014    CFGE PhD workshop, Loughborough University

13 Sep 2014     ETSG 2014, Munich

16 Nov 2013    Workshop on Firm and Product Heterogeneity, Leuven

04 Oct 2013     International Workshop on Networks and Trade, Leuven

14 Sep 2013     ETSG 2013, Birmingham


Data Visualization course (2022 & 2023)

slides (pdf)

Official KU Leuven LaTeX-Beamer theme

website , files (zip) , demo slides (pdf)

Heverlee Beamer-theme, a "non-denominational" version of the KUL Beamer theme

files (zip) , theme file (sty) , demo slides (pdf)

Official KU Leuven LaTeX poster template

website , files (zip) , example 1 (pdf) , example 2 (pdf) , example 3 (pdf)

Presentation on preparing data and charts in Stata and some other tools and tips (2013)

slides (pdf)