Other Art

Strange Fruit, set of four silkscreen prints, altogether 28"x22"

Holiday Tree, watercolor, 11"x14"

Some of my art is hard to categorize. Just as my partner, William L. Sullivan, shifts from guidebooks to mysteries and historical novels, I shift from watercolor to acrylic and then to other media. My travels also inspire shifts in focus.Trees and signs are sources of fascination for me. I've combined the two themes in "Strange Fruit" (upper left), where a bare tree in a parking lot sprouts traffic lights. "Holiday Tree" (on the right) echoes that subject.

Dendroglyph (edge of forest), watercolor, 33"x25"

The trees near our log cabin inspired the next two watercolors -- "Dendroglyph" (on the left) shows the edge of a clearcut.

"Winter Alders" (on the right) evokes a quiet mood.

Winter Alders, watercolor

My interest in signs led me to create a series of silkscreen prints depicting cats and dogs. Here is one example.

I keep a journal and sketchbook on all of my travels. They bring back warm memories of many trips -- to Greece, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Australia, Costa Rica, New Zealand, Russia, Norway, and the Alps.

Loutro, Crete (Greece)

Stromboli, Sicily (Italy)

Austrian Alps

Brisbane, Australia

Corfu, Greece

Conclude your tour with a look at my 2015 art exhibit in Eugene with my daughter Karen Sorensen Sullivan. Thanks for visiting my studio.

-- Janell E. Sorensen