J-Prof. Dr. Jamir Marino

Head of the  'NEUQUAM' research group

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Institut für Physik 

Room 03-132, Staudiengerweg 7, 55128 Mainz, Germany

I am a quantum many body physicist specialized in the emergence of universal mechnisms in isolated and driven-open quantum systems. Together with my research team (NEUQUAM) I explore various regimes of strongly correlated many-body dynamics relevant for open quantum systems in AMO, condensed matter and quantum information. 

Here is a link to the complete list of my publications

Short Bio

I was born and studied physics in Palermo, Sicily. After my PhD under the supervision of A. Silva at SISSA (Trieste), I started a postdoctoral position in the group of S. Diehl in 2014 (Innsbruck-Dresden). In Winter 2015 I became Alexander von Humboldt Fellow in Cologne, and in Summer  2017 I moved to the US working at JILA/CU Boulder in the groups of A. M. Rey and R. Nandkishore. In Spring 2018 I started a Marie Curie Global Fellowship at Harvard University, collaborating with the research team of E. Demler.

Since October 2019 I am Junior Professor at the University of Mainz leading the 'NEUQUAM' research group. 

Since Fall 2023 I am Pauli Visitor at the ETH Zurich. In Spring 2022 I held a QuantEmX Senior Scientist position at UC Berkeley. 

I am the SPICE scientific coordinator for non-equilibrium dynamics and an Henriette Herz Scout of the Humboldt Foundation.