About Me


你好! I am currently teaching and studying philosophy at Purdue in West Lafayette, Indiana, where I live with my partner Emily Matchar (author of this fantastic book) and our two sons. For the decade before that, I lived in Hong Kong, teaching at the University of Hong Kong. Before going to HKU I was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy at Lingnan University. I studied for my Ph.D. in Philosophy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. My philosophy family tree is here!

I originally hail from the Pacific Northwest of the U.S., and later spent a few years in the upper Midwest before moving south. I earned my B.A. in Philosophy from Whitman College, and my M.A. in Philosophy from Northern Illinois University. Along the way, I spent a year as a VISTA with AmeriCorps in Madison, Wisconsin, and a summer at the Hong Kierkegaard Library at St. Olaf College. At UNC I served as a Research Fellow for the Parr Center for Ethics. In 2009 I was a visiting scholar with the Centre for Time at the University of Sydney in Australia.

In my spare time I take a lot of photos (the New York Times published this and this); my Flickr site is here

I'm happy to discuss academia with anyone interested in pursuing philosophy at the graduate level. Feel free to contact me if you're considering either of my almae matres, NIU and UNC, both of which are fantastic places to study philosophy, or if you're interested in studying at Purdue with either me or my colleagues.