News & Events

We are looking for a talented postdoc.  Contact Jim directly if you are interested.

7/12/23 - Read about our work on molecular subtypes within BCG treated non-muscle invasive bladder cancer here

6/27/23 - Congrats to Kabex Benam and team for getting their paper, "Down syndrome is associated with altered frequency and functioning of tracheal multiciliated cells, and response to influenza virus infection." accepted to iScience. 

6/1/2023 - I would like to welcome Ralf Dagdag to the lab. He will be primarily mentoredy by Chris Gignoux and seconardarily mentored in the Costello lab. 

5/24/2023 - A major contribution between the Theodorescu lab, Zuiverloon lab, and our lab, "Non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer molecular subtypes predict differential response to intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Guérin" published in Science Translational Medicine

5/3/2023 - Congrats to Gabrielle Romona, Larry Kwong and team for getting their work, "Microparticle derived Cxcl9 delayes the respone of BRAF inhbitor-treated melanoma" published in Cancer Immunology Research.  

10/1/2022 - I am excited to be appointed as the Pharmacology Training Program Co-Director with Jason Aoto. Find out more about the program here

8/1/2022 - I am excited to have the RA2 DREAM Challenge paper published in JAMA Network Open

9/10/2021 - Congrats to Diana Cittelly for getting her collaborative paper accepted to Clinical Cancer Research.

7/1/2021 - Congrats to Lily and Lucas for passing their preliminary exams and starting their PhD journey in the lab.

6/15/2021 - Excited to have the cover of Cell Reports Medicine for our recent DREAM Challenge to predict preterm birth

5/24/2021 - Congrats to Alex from the Greene lab for getting her paper submitted to bioRxiv on identifying commonly or uniquely expressed genes using generative neural networks.

5/21/2021 - Congrats to Lomeli from the Artinger lab for getting her paper submitted to bioRxiv on PRDM proteins in craniofacial chondrocyte differentiation.

4/26/2021 - Congrats to Jessica for getting her paper submitted to bioRxiv on Six1 as a master regulator in Rhabdomyosarcoma.

4/26/2021 - Our work in a molecular subtype of aggressive prostate cancer is getting coverage in Reuters

4/12/2021 - Collaborative paper with the Cramer lab that looks at the role of MAP3K7 on androgen signaling is now available at Molecular Cancer Research. Read the press release here

4/11/2021 - The overview paper for the Preterm Birth DREAM Challenge has been accepted to Cell Reports Medicine. 

3/4/2021 - The long awaited NPEPPS story is finally in bioRxiv.

1/20/2021 - Congrats to Sana Karam and her team for getting their paper on ADAM10 and its role in pancreatic cancer accepted at Cancer Research.

12/16/2020 - Congrats to Matt Sikora and his team on a collaborative paper looking at MDC1 in lobular breast cancer

12/8/2020 - I am honored to have received the Faculty Excellence in Research Award from the Department of of Pharmacology for 2020. The work could not have been done without all of my excellent lab members through the years. Thanks to all!!

11/9/20 - Congrats to Isabel Schlaepfer and her team for an accepted paper in Cancers looking at CPT1A and its role in prostate cancer.

10/27/20 - Congrats to Paul Jedlicka and his team for an accepted paper in Oncotarget looking at the role of KDM5A and PHF2 in Ewing sarcoma.

10/22/20 - Casey Greene and I published a brief preview article in Cancer Cell about the work coming from the Ideker lab on predicting drug response using deep neural network models.

8/26/20 - Congrats to Ben Bitler and the team for publication of collaborative work in Clinical Cancer Research looking at microenvironmental effects in ovarian cancer

7/3/2020 - Read about the Immunological Genome Project after 15 years. Nice to see all the great work as a former consortium member. 

6/29/2020 - Congrats to Paul Jedlicka and his lab for his accepted paper, "KDM3A/Ets1 epigenetic axis contributes to PAX3/FOXO1-driven and independent disease-promoting gene expression in fusion-positive Rhabdomyosarcoma" in Molecular Oncology!!

4/22/2020 - Congrats to Hengbo Zhou from Heide Ford's lab on getting his paper accepted to Cancer Research looking at disrupting the SIX1/EYA2 interaction in EMT.

4/15/2020 - Congrats to Ben Bitler and team for getting some really nice work into bioRxiv looking at the tumor microenvironment in ovarian cancer.

4/10/202 - Congrats to the collaborative team of investigators looking at gene expression signatures and their relationship to TERT promoter mutations, recently published in MCR.

2/17/2020 - Honored to be the CU Cancer Center representative to accept research funding from the Heart & Soul Rock Climbing Competition. 

1/20/2020 - Collaborative project with Craig Jordan's lab to identify mechanisms of resistance to venetoclax-based treatment in AML is not published in Cancer Discovery.

11/4/2019 - Join us a the Regulatory Systems Genomics with DREAM Challenges conference. We will be presenting the top two performers for the Preterm Birth DREAM Challenge. I will also be presenting the RA2 DREAM Challenge.

10/18/2019 - A big collaborative project to describe metabolic differences between people with Down syndrome is now out in Nature Communications.  Exciting to find that the Kynurenine pathway is upregulated in people with Down syndrome, potentially making them highly responsive to infections and as a result, producing neurotoxic metabolites.

10/16/2019 - Brian Ross, former postdoc in the lab, has published his preprint of work looking at measuring chromosome conformation based on fluorescent microscopy. See it here.

9/16/2019 - Our Cell review with the Colins lab was highlighted by F1000.

9/16/2019 - Another nice blog post through the University of Colorado Cancer Center about our recent Moleuclar Cancer Research paper, see here.

9/12/2019 - see a nice blog post through the University of Colorado Cancer Center about our U01 grant.

9/11/2019 - Giving a talk in the Endocrinology division, "Analysing your data 'in context'." Free pizza.

9/5/2019 - Congrats to the team for getting our paper in Current Opinions in Systems Biology accepted, "Modeling genetic heterogeneity of drug response and resistance in cancer." Available here

9/1/2019 - Its official, Dr. Cramer and I were awarded a U01 through the Cancer Systems Biology Consortium.  We are very excited. Read more about the award here

8/14/2019 - I will let the cake do the talking. I was a very proud mentor today

7/1/2019 - Congrats to Satoshi from the Cramer lab for getting his paper accepted to Molecular Cancer Research. This was a joint effort between the Cramer and Costello labs, "Loss of MAP3K7 sensitizes prostate cells to CDK1/2 inhibition and DNA damage by disrupting homologous recombination."

6/18/19 - I am presenting at the Dr. DW King Endowed Lectureship Symposium today, "A systems biology approach to study aggressive prostate cancer."

6/5/2019 - Our application note on the GSEA-InContext method built into an R Shiny app is available at bioRxiv.

6/3/2019 - Gave a talk at the Tumor Host Interactions Retreat for the University of Colorado Cancer Center.  My talk was, "Pathway analysis in context."

5/10/2019 - Headed to OHSU to give a talk at the BME department. 

3/10/2019 - Come check out our Educational Session at AACR 2019, "Systems Biology Approaches in Cancer." I will be presenting with Laura Heiser, Melissa Kemp and Gurinder Atwal.

2/20/2019 - Our collaborative paper with the Theodorescu lab looking at targeting DDR2 as a way to enhance immunotherapy is now available at Science Advances

1/11/2019 - New version of our Trisomy 21 metabolomics paper is available on bioRxiv.

1/3/2019 - Mike Oliphant's publication in collaboration with the Ford lab is now available as an epub ahead of print

12/4/2018 - Congrats to Megan Tu from the Theodorescu lab for getting our collaborative paper on DDR2 and its role in immunotherapy accepted to Science Advances.  

11/28/2018 - Congrats to Mike Oliphant and the Ford lab for getting their paper on Six2 regulation of Sox2 in late-stage metastasis.

11/10/2018 - Great time at the SACB meeting 2018. 

10/22/2018 - Great visit with Tero Aittokallio and Daniel Laajala. 

10/13/2018 - Congrats to Andrew and the lab for getting our manuscript on MSH2 predicting response to platinum-based chemotherapy in bladder cancer accepted to European Urology.

10/3/2018 - Nice article on Rani winning the Ian Lawson Van Toch Memorial Outstanding Paper award.

9/20/2018 - Brian's paper on chromosome conformation reconstruction using imaging based analysis is now on F1000Research.

9/5/2018 - Congrats to Andrew Goodspeed, PhD.  Successful defense of his dissertation.  Way to go Andrew.

9/4/2018 - Our JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics manuscript from the Prostate Cancer DREAM Challenge was selected as one of the top 3 papers for the IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2018 in the section ‘Cancer Informatics’

8/29/2018 - So its finally happening.  Andrew, my first grad student, will be defending his thesis on September 5.  

8/29/2018 - Our preprint looking at metabolism in Down Syndrome is now live here

8/20/2018 - Joint manuscript, "Metastatic cells are preferentially vulnerable to lysosomal inhibition" is now out at PNAS.

7/18/2018 - Congrats to Michael Morgan working with the Thorburn lab on a joint effort that is now accepted to PNAS looking at sensitivity to lysosomal inhibitors.

7/10/2018 - Rani won the Ian Lawson Von Toch Outstanding Student Paper award at ISMB 2018.  This is a fantastic honor. Way to go Rani!! See the video here. The award presentation starts at 5:30.

7/9/2018 - I will be presenting at ISMB 2018 on the DREAM Challenges at the special session - Advancing computational biology through critical assessments, community experiments, and crowdsourcing.

7/8/2018 - Rani will be presenting at ISMB 2018 in the TransMed Proceedings Track.

7/1/2018 - Our ISMB 2018 paper on a new GSEA analysis is now published on Bioinformatics.

6/29/2018 - Andrew's manuscript on MSH2 being a predictor of bladder cancer response to cisplatin-based chemotherapy is now on bioRxiv.

6/7/2018 - Big day. Brian's Boolean model simulation paper is now available here.  Our collaborative review with the Collins' lab on next-generation machine learning methods is available here 

6/5/2018 - Andrew's EGFR inhibition manuscript is now available here

5/24/2018 - Congrats to Brian. His first author manuscript, "Simulating heterogeneous populations using Boolean models" as accepted to BMC Systems Biology.

5/14/2018 - Our collaborative manuscript with the Ford lab is now live at JCI

5/9/2018 - Andrew Goodspeed's manuscript on EGFR inhibition in bladder cancer has been accepted to Bladder Cancer. Congrats Andrew!!

5/7/2018 - Excellent news that our manuscript on next-generation machine learning approaches in network biology was accpeted to Cell. This work was the results of a collaboration with the the Collins lab at MIT. 

3/20/18 - Congrats to Tahlita and Chris, both collaborators from the Netherlands through the Theodorescu lab on the acceptance of a really nice review of bladder cancer cell lines in the journal, Bladder Cancer.  

3/2/18 - Congrats to Becky from the Ford lab on getting her JCI manuscript on Eya's role in regulation of PD-L1 immune suppression. Rani and I helped with this work.

3/1/18 - Congrats to Rani for getting her first author manuscript on GSEA analysis in the context of background experiments accepted to ISMB 2018. bioRxiv version available here 

2/4/18 - Congrats to Rani for her first, first authored paper posted to bioRxiv.

12/26/17 - A very nice Christmas present. Collaborative manuscript with the Cech lab on DNA methylation and its role in TERT regulation at promoter mutations. Published in Cell Reports.

11/29/17 - I will be giving a presentation for the Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Diabetes at 11 am in the 7th floor conference room of RC1 South.  Topic will be systems biology approaches to study aggressive prostate cancer. Come join! 

11/21/17 - Brian and Rani will be presenting posters at the RSG with DREAM Challenges conference in New York.

9/18/2017 - Back to back talks from Rani and Brian

9/13/2017 - See our Editorial article, Community mining of open clinical trial data, which discusses the results and insights from the Prostate Cancer DREAM Challenge paper in Lancet Oncology.

9/9/2017 - See our spotlight article, All paths lead to TRIM25, which highlights the work of Timothy Chan and Andrea Califano. Thanks to Hengo for the great collaboration.

8/4/2017 - The second Prostate Cancer DREAM Challenge paper is out at JCO CCI.

    Colorado Cancer Blog post

6/15/2017 - Congrats to Rani for being awarded the Blumenthal Down Syndrome Predoctoral Fellowship for a second year!!

5/1/17 - My interview about the Prostate Cancer DREAM Challenge is now published in Prostatepedia

4/7/17 - I am giving a talk at the Integrative Biology Department at the Denver campus titled, "Data Integration and Cancer Systems Biology."

3/13/17 - Welcome Justin Roberts and Harrison Pielke-Lombardo to the lab for their final rotations.

2/22/17 - Congrats to Brian, Mayla and Holly for submitting their work on Boolean network modeling to bioRxiv.

1/18/17 - A start-up I co-founded, Precision Profile, was selected to present in the "Swimming with the Sharks" competition at the Molecular Med Tri-Con 2017 Conference.

1/16/17 - Welcome Mayla Boguslav to the lab for her first rotation in the Computational Bioscience Program!!

11/15/16 - The overview paper for the second subchallenge in the Prostate Cancer DREAM Challenge is now live on bioRxiv!!

11/15/16 - The overview paper for the first subchallenge in the Prostate Cancer DREAM Challenge has been published in Lancet Oncology!!

10/18/2016 - Congrats to Andrew for receiving the Front Range Cancer Challenge Fellowship!!

9/21/16 - We got word that the Prostate Cancer DREAM Challenge paper has been accepted to The Lancet Oncology!!!

9/12/16 - Congrats to Kim for getting her paper on spatiotemporal modeling of tumor metastases accepted to the Pacific Symposium for Biocomputing. 

7/15/16 - The Nature Reviews Genetics article on open-data challenges is now out and we got the cover.

7/14/16 - Congrats to Rani for being awarded the Blumenthal Down Syndrome Predoctoral Fellowship!!

6/16/16 - A joint paper with the Theodorescu lab on GON4L as a cancer driver in bladder cancer is now online at Cancer Research.  "GON4L drives cancer growth through a YY1-androgen receptor-CD24 axis." Nice work Neeraj!!

6/13/2016 - Welcome to Bob Jones, an MSTP student who will be rotating in the lab.

6/6/2016 - Welcome Alex Singh to the lab for the summer.  Alex is a student at Lakewood high school.

6/6/2016 - Welcome Holly Weekes for the summer.  Holly is an MPH student in the School of Public Health at Colorado.


6/6/2016 - Our paper, "Molecular analysis of urothelial cancer cell lines for modeling tumor biology and drug response" is now online.

5/6/2016 - Our review paper on DREAM Challenges (and others) in the biomedical space has been accepted to Nature Reviews Genetics.

4/22/2015 - Congrats to Nicolle for passing her comprehensive exams.

4/8/2016 - Congrats to Nicolle, whose poster was selected for an oral presentation at ISMB 2016!!

4/8/2016 - The Power of Informatics in Health mini-symposium is being hosted on the Anschutz Medical Campus from 8-4 in the School of Pharmacy.  Come join us.

4/3-6/2016 - Jim will be attending the inaugural Systems Approaches to Cancer Biology Meeting in Woods Hole, MA.

3/24/2016 - We got word that our application for the Advanced Industry Accelerator program through CU and the State of Colorado was funded for a project to develop a software for cancer genomics data analysis and visualization!!

3/1/2016 - Welcome Sean Korpela from the Pharmacology program who is doing a rotation in the lab.

2/15/2016 - Check out the DREAM 2015 Conference video!!

1/25/2016 - Welcome Callie Federer from the Computational Bioscience program who is doing a rotation in the lab.

1/25/2016 - The spring semester begins.  I will be teaching a class CPBS7630: Computational Methods for Addressing Big Data Challenges in Biomedicine.

12/5/2015 - Rocky is coming up!! Brian and Kim will be doing oral presentations and Andrew, Nicolle and Rani will be presenting posters.

11/15/2015 - The Recomb/ISCB Conference on Regulatory & Systems Genomics with DREAM Challenges 2015 should be great. I will be presenting on the Prostate Cancer DREAM Challenge and will be the session chair for a few of the RegSys sessions.

10/19/15 - Press release about the Prostate Cancer DREAM Challenge winners that presented at the annual Prostate Cancer Foundation Retreat.  Congrats to team FIMM-UTU.

10/15/15 - Congrats to Nicolle for being awarded a competitive travel grant to the Women in Machine Learning Workshop.

10/9/2015 - F1000Research has started the DREAM Challenge Channel, where methods from DREAM Challenges will be published.  See the first paper in the channel, DREAMTools that covers the scoring methods for previous DREAM Challenges, along with some nice python code. 

10/1/2015 - Welcome Brian Ross to the lab as a postdoc in the Computational Biosciences program.

9/2/2015 - Congrats to Andrew Goodspeed for passing his qualification exam in the Pharmacology Program!!

8/31/2015 - Welcome Greg Wright to the lab for his BSP rotation.

8/27/2015 - The Prostate Cancer DREAM Challenge is complete and the winners have been announced.  See the press release in Business Wire.

7/30/2015 - Congrats to Andrew for getting his first, first author paper in Molecular Cancer Research. "Tumor-derived cell lines as molecular models of cancer pharmacogenomics"

7/27/2015 - The Prostate Cancer DREAM Challenge is now closed and we had over 50 teams from around the world participate.  Thanks to all those that participated.

7/6/2015 - Welcome Becca Marion to the lab.  Becca is a Biostats Masters student that will be in the lab for the summer.

7/1/2015 - The lab was awarded a grant from the Cancer League of Colorado for work that Rani Powers will be doing in the lab.  The grant is titled, "Integrating Transcriptional Regulatory and Metabolic Networks to Characterize Bladder Cancer Cellular Response to Chemotherapies."  Congrats Rani!!

6/22/2015 - Welcome Amay Srivastava to the lab.  Amay is a high school student that will be volunteering for the summer.

6/20/2015 - We got word that the R01 headed by the Cramer lab, "Coordinate loss of CHD1 and MAP3K7  with other CNAs in prostate cancer aggressiveness" will be officially funded. Our lab will be contributing to this work.  Congrats Scott!!

6/4/2015 - I am honored to be selected as a 2015 Boettcher Investigator. Press release

5/28/2015 - William Duncan Palmer, a summer student in the Computational Biosciences program is joining the lab for a 4 week internship.  Welcome Duncan!!

5/20/2015 - Two posters at ASCO this year: Building a crowd-sourced challenge using clinical trial data and COXEN prediction of antineoplastic drug sensitivity in bladder cancer patients

5/7/15 -  I will be giving a talk for the Cancer Biology Training Program, "Computational approaches for predicting drug sensitivities and drug synergies" at the Hensel Philips Auditorium at 10:30.

4/4/10/15 - Please join us at the second annual mini-symposium at the Anschutz Medical Campus, "The Power of Informatics to Advance Health." Keynote Speaker is Gustavo Stolovitzky from IBM and Mt. Sinai Hospital.

3/16/2015 - The Prostate Cancer DREAM Challenge launched today!!!  See the Synapse page for all the details. 

Press Release

The Oncologist article describing the Challenge

3/13/2015 - I will be giving a talk, "Extracting Predictive Signatures from Heterogeneously Sampled Patient Populations" at the Hensel Auditorium for the Cancer Center.

2/17/2015 - Short commentary on on the article, "Genomic Predictors of Survival in Patients with High-grade Urothelial Carcinoma of the Bladder." You can find the commentary here

2/5/2015 - Collaborative work with the Theodorescu and Cech labs, "TERT promoter mutations and telomerase reactivation in urothelial cancer" is now published in Science.

1/28/2015 - Everyone should view Stephen Friend's TEDx talk on the Industrial-Medical Complex and democratizing medicine.

1/26/2015 - Very nice Spotlight article by Russ Altman in Cancer Discovery on the NCI-DREAM challenges.  See it here

12/18/2014 - Nice editorial in Chemistry & Biology that highlights the NCI-DREAM papers on drug sensitivity and synergy prediction. See it here.

12/16/2014 - Collaborative work with the Theodorescu Lab, "RhoC is an unexpected target of RhoGDI2 in prevention of lung colonization of bladder cancer" is now published at Molecular Cancer Research.

12/12/2014 -  Andrew and Nicolle presenting their posters at Rocky 2014. Great work!!

11/20/2014 - The NCI-DREAM paper on drug sensitivity prediction, A community effort to assess and improve drug sensitivity prediction algorithms was selected as a top 10 paper of the year (#6) at the Recomb RegSys Conference. 

11/17/2104 - The second NCI-DREAM challenge on drug synergy prediction, "A community computational challenge to predict the activity of pairs of compounds" is now available online at Nature Biotech.

11/17/2014 - Jessica Hsu, rotation student in the lab, will be presenting her work on identifying a DNA methylation gene signature that predicts survival in bladder cancer at noon in the 6th floor conference room.  Great work!!

11/15/2014 - Visit the new DREAM challenges website.  It will be the home of all things DREAM related.

11/4/2014 - Congrats to Nicolle, Andrew, and Sam for getting oral presentations at the Rocky Bioinformatics conference 2014. 

10/27/2014 - A collaborative paper led by the Ford lab, "Homeoprotein Six2 promotes breast cancer metastasis via transcriptional and epigenetic control of E-cadherin expression" is now published in Cancer Research.

10/8/2014 - Jim is giving a seminar in the Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes titled, "Transcriptional Regulatory Associations with Pathways: Setting a TRAP to identify drug-gene targets".  Come join me, 7th Floor RC1 South at 11am on 10/8.

9/25/2014 - The second NCI-DREAM paper titled, "A community computational challenge to predict the activity of pairs of compounds" has been accepted.  The two NCI-DREAM papers will appear back-to-back in Nature Biotechnology in the next few months.  Thanks to the community for all their efforts.

9/15/2014 - Our paper, "Concurrent Alterations in TERT, KDM6A, and the BRCA Pathway in Bladder Cancer" is now published at Clinical Cancer Research

9/5/2014 - chighlighted in the 2014 ISMB meeting report.

9/4/2014 - Jim is giving a talk at the Univeristy of Colorado Cancer Center Retreat at the Anschutz Inpatient Pavillion on campus. Title is, "Whole exome sequence analysis of 40 human bladder cancer cell lines."

8/29/2014 - Jim is giving a talk at the Pharmacology program student symposium.  Title is, "The analysis revolution: The shift from data generation to data interpretation."

7/29/2014 - Help support cancer research in Colorado through the Front Range Cancer Challenge.

7/21/2014 - Our previous work on S. aureus gene regulatory networks is highlighted on the Gene Ontology Consortium website. A direct link can be found here

7/15/2014 - Jim's presentation at ISMB on the NCI-DREAM challenge results

6/19/2014 - Jim is officially a member of the CU Cancer Center

6/11/2014 - Kim Kanigel will be giving a postdoc recruitment talk for the Computational Bioscience Program on 6/23 at 2pm.  Talk title, "Discrete cellular-scale models of ovarian  cancer and drug delivery."

6/10/2014 - Dr. Sam Phattarasukol will be giving a postdoc recruitment talk on 6/19 at 1pm.  Talk title, "Integrative genomics approach to identify genes important for complex phenotypes in bacteria."

6/2/2014 - Press release on the NCI-DREAM project on the CU Cancer Blog

Repost at

Repost at Science Daily

Repost at HealthCanal

Press release from Aalto University, home of the winning team

Repost at

Stem Cells Therapy

This weeks top story in Mammary Cell News

6/1/2014 - The NCI-DREAM paper is out in Nature Biotech

4/18/2014 - Jim will be presenting at the Bioinformatics Journal club.  8th floor RC1-south at 11am.  The topic will be RNA-seq quantification approaches.

4/3/2014 - Dr. Yungil Kim visited for a postdoc recruitment talk.  An excellent talk, "Reverse engineering biological networks: computational approaches for modeling biological systems from perturbation data" and  excellent visit.  We hope to see you back soon. 

4/1/2014 -  Meyn Foundation grant was awarded to Co-PIs Costello, Cramer and Lucia to study the affects of cancer associated fibroblasts on tumor development in prostate cancer.

3/28/2014 - The Enesmble Predictor for Short Linear Motifs (EPSLiM) is now available here

3/27/2014 - Jim was invited to present the NCI-DREAM drug sensitivity prediction challenge paper that was recently accepted to Nature Biotechnology in the 2014 ISMB Highlights Track.

3/24/2014 - Jim will be giving a talk at the Computational Bioscience Seminar series on March 31, 2014 at 2pm in the RC1-North Tower, 6th floor.

3/15/2014 - Nicolle Witte, Computational Bioscience student started a rotation in the lab.  Welcome Nicolle!!

3/1/2014 - Jim will be giving a talk "Predicting, targeting, then validating a drug combination therapy for melanoma" at the Power of Informatics to Advance Health minisymposium.  Trivisible Room, March 28, 2014, 2:20.

2/24/2014 - Andrew Goodspeed, Pharmacology PhD student started a rotation in the lab.  Welcome Andrew!!

1/1/2014 - DREAM 8.5 challenges are now posted

12/1/2013 - Hello World!!  The journey of the Costello lab at CU officially starts today.