
Here is my    Publication List.  


[29Equivariant vector bundles on toric schemes over semirings (with Kalina Mincheva and Jeffrey Tolliver), arXiv:2406.06933 (2024), submitted. 

[28Facets of module theory over semirings (with James Borger), arXiv:2405.18645 (2024), submitted. 

[27On Picard groups and Jacobians of directed graphs (with Youngsu Kim and *Matthew Pisano*), arXiv:2302.10327 (2023), under revision. 

[26On the Combinatorics of F_1-Representations of Pseudotree Quivers (with Jaehoon Kim and Alex Sistko), arXiv:2301.07221 (2023), submitted.     


[25Artin-Ihara L-functions for hypergraphs (with *Mason Eyler*), arXiv:2309.15873 (2023), accepted for publication in Advances in Mathematics.

[24Coefficient quivers,  F_1-representations, and Euler characteristics of quiver Grassmannians (with Alex Sistko), arXiv:2112.06291 (2021), accepted for publication in Nagoya Mathematical Journal.



[23Nontrivial solutions for homogeneous linear equations over some non-quotient hyperfields (with David Hobby), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 152 (2024), no. 6, 2353 - 2367

[22]   Hall Lie algebras of toric monoid schemes (with Matt Szczesny), Selecta Math. (N.S.) 30 (2024), no. 2, 22. 

[21]   Vector bundles on tropical schemes (with Kalina Mincheva and Jeffrey Tolliver), Journal of Algebra 637 (2024):  1-46


[20]   Gluing of graphs and their Jacobians (with *Alessandro Chilelli* ), Involve 16 (2023), No. 3, 389–407 

[19]  Proto-exact categories of modules over semirings and hyperrings (with Matt Szczesny and Jeffrey Tolliver), Journal of Algebra 631 (2023): 517-557

[18]   On quiver representations over F_1 (with Alex Sistko), Algebr. Represent. Theory 26 (2023), no 1, 207-240.


[17]  T-semiring pairs (with Kalina Mincheva and Louis Rowen), Kybernetika vol. 58, no. 5. (2022): 733-759 (special volume, on tropical mathematics, dedicated to Martin Gavalec).

      [16]   On infinite matroids with strong maps: proto-exactness and finiteness conditions (with Chris Eppolito), Theory and Applications of Categories 38 (2022), No. 11, 319-327.

      [15]   Homology of systemic modules (with Kalina Mincheva, and Louis Rowen), Manuscripta Math. 167 (2022), no. 3-4, 469 - 520.

[14]   Lattices, spectral spaces, and closure operations on idempotent semirings (with Samarpita Ray and Jeffrey Tolliver), Journal of Algebra 594 (2022): 313-363

[13]   On the Hopf algebra of multi-complexes (with Miodrag Iovanov), Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 56 (2022), no. 2, 425-451.


[12]   Geometry of hyperfields, Journal of Algebra 569 (2021): 220-257.


[11]   Proto-exact categories of matroids, Hall algebras, and K-theory (with Chris Eppolito and Matt Szczesny), Mathematische Zeitschrift 296, no. 1-2, 147-167 (2020).

[10]   Categories with negation (with Louis Rowen),  Contemp. Math. 751 (2020), 221-270 (Special Volume, dedicated to S. K. Jain).

[9]   Projective systemic modules (with Kalina Mincheva and Louis Rowen), Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 224 (2020), no. 5, 106243.

[8]    Hopf algebras for matroids over hyperfields (with Chris Eppolito and Matt Szczesny), Journal of Algebra 556 (2020): 806-835.


[7]   Picard groups for tropical toric varieties (with Kalina Mincheva and Jeffrey Tolliver),  Manuscripta Math. 160 (2019), no. 3-4, 339 - 357.


[6]   Association schemes and hypergroups,  Communications in Algebra, 46 (2018), no. 3, 942-960.

[5]   Algebraic geometry over hyperrings,  Advances in Mathematics 323 (2018): 142-192.

[4]   Valuations of semirings,  Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 222 (2018), no. 8, 2063-2088.


[3]   On the relation between hyperrings and fuzzy rings (with Jeffrey Giansiracusa and Oliver Lorscheid),  Beitrage zur Algebra und Geometrie (2017) 58(4): 735-764.

[2]   Cech Cohomology of Semiring Schemes,  Journal of Algebra 483 (2017): 306-328.


[1]   Hyperstructures of Affine Algebraic Group Schemes, Journal of Number Theory 167 (2016): 336-352.

Ph.D. Thesis

[0]   Algebraic geometry over semi-structures and hyper-structures of characteristic one, Ph.D. thesis at The Johns Hopkins University.  

Publications-Preprints (non-math)
