Call for papers

Special Session on Web Intelligence & Data Mining


JSAI2012, The 26th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Yamaguchi city, Japan, June 12-15, 2012.

The World Wide Web has been deemed as the age for AI renaissance by Daniel E. O’Leary 15 years ago when WWW exhibited an exponential growth at the first three years in 1997. As abundant information is generated with cost-free, instantaneous publication, many techniques and methods are developed and applied for dealing problems such as information retrieval, natural language processing, opinion mining, product recommendation, information integration, social network analysis, and other intelligent applications. The proliferation of text and data has also resulted in an increased demand for text and data mining. Thus, the development of techniques for mining unstructured, semi-structured, and fully structured data has become quite important in both academia and industry. The special session aims to bring together the researchers in the field of Web intelligence and data mining to present the latest studies. We will expect the submissions from researchers of TAAI and JSAI communities, but we will also welcome submissions from all over the world. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Collaborative filtering and recommendation
  • Data mining and usage analysis
  • Information and knowledge markets
  • Text mining and Natural language processing
  • Social network and analysis
  • User interface and visualization of the Web

Session Organizers

  • Chia-Hui Chang, National Central University, Taiwan
  • Yasufumi Takama, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan

Program Committee (Inviting)

  • Akinori Abe, NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Japan
  • Chien Chin Chen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
  • Lieu-Hen Chen, National Chi Nan University, Taiwan
  • Yi-Shin Chen, National Tsing Hwa University, Taiwan
  • Hung-Yu Kao, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
  • Satoshi Kurihara, Osaka University, Taiwan
  • Mitsunori Matsushita, Kansai University, Japan
  • Yoko Nishihara, The Univeristy of Tokyo, Japan
  • Yukio Ohsawa, The University of Tokyo, Japan
  • Kazushi Okamoto, Chiba University, Japan
  • Richard Tzong-Han Tsai, Yuan-Ze University, Taiwan
  • Takashi Washio, Osaka University, Japan

Important Dates

  • Beginning of abstract/paper submission: Jan 26, 2012 Feb 1, 2012 (We’re sorry we’re late)
  • Deadline of abstract/paper submission: Feb 6, 2012 Feb 14, 2012 (Extended)
  • Beginning of final paper submission: Apr 6, 2012
  • Deadline of final paper submission: Apr 18, 2012
  • JSAI 2012: Jun 12-15, 2012

Abstracts must be submitted before submitting paper.

Abstract and Paper Submission

To submit abstract, please send an email to jsai2012_ios@jsai.kaigi.org using the following form.

To: jsai2012_ios@jsai.kaigi.org Subject: JSAI2012 IOS Abstract Submission ---------------------------------------- Session: IOS-4 Web Intelligence and Data Mining Title: Abstract (up to 200 words): Author 1: First-name Last-name (Affiliation) Author 2: Author 3: (If more, please add lines.) Presenter: Contact person's name: Contact person's email: Comments (optional): ----------------------------------------

Special Issues

A special issue from New Generation Computing Journal will be published in July 2013. Around 20% of excellent papers in the international organized sessions will be selected for the NGC publication. Those who want to submit a paper to the special issues should prepare their papers for JSAI2012 by the submission due. Those who want to attend JSAI2012 but do not plan to submit their papers to the special issue can submit their abstract only.


  • 3M1-IOS-3a: 10:30-11:30, Thursday June 14, 2012
    • 3M1-IOS-3a-1 (10:30-11:00)
      • Y.-S. Chen, P.-L. Hsu, H-S. Hsieh, L.-C. Lee, and C. Argueta
      • HOMME: Hierarchical-Ontological Mind Map Explorer
    • 3M1-IOS-3a-2 (11:00-11:30)
      • L-C. Lai and H-Y. Kao
      • Question Routing by Modeling User Expertise and Activity in cQA services
  • 3M2-IOS-3b: 13:30-18:00, Thursday June 14, 2012
    • 3M2-IOS-3b-1 (13:30-14:00)
      • H.-J. Dai, C.-Y. Wu, R.T.-H. Tsai, and W.-L. Hsu
      • From Entity Recognition to Entity Linking: A Survey of Advanced Entity Linking Techniques
    • 3M2-IOS-3b-2 (14:00-14:30)
      • P. Chaimongkol, P. Stenetorp, and A. Aizawa
      • Utilising Bilingual Lexical Resources for Technical Term Extraction
    • 3M2-IOS-3b-3 (14:30-15:00)
      • C.-H. Chang, C.-Y. Huang, and Y.-Y. Su
      • On Chinese Postal Address and Associated Information Extraction
    • 3M2-IOS-3b-4 (15:00-15:30)
      • Y.-C. Wang and R.T.-H. Tsai
      • Extracting Transliteration Pairs from Classical Chinese Buddhist Literature
    • Break (15:30-16:00)
    • 3M2-IOS-3b-5 (16:00-16:30)
      • E. Rojsattarat and P. Wattuya
      • A Median Concept for Model-Based Collaborative Filtering
    • 3M2-IOS-3b-6 (16:30-17:00)
      • W.-T. Kuo, Y.-L. Kuo, J.Y. Hsu, and R.T.-H. Tsai
      • Contextual Restaurant Recommendation Utilizing Implicit Feedback
    • 3M2-IOS-3b-7 (17:00-17:30)
      • C.-C. Yu, T. Okumura, Y.-H. Ho, L.-H. Chen, E. Sato-Shimokawara, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Takama
      • Proposal of Community-based Walking Trail Sharing Service
    • 3M2-IOS-3b-8 (17:30-18:00)
      • S. Jarukasemrasemratana and T. Murata
      • Improved web cache replacement policy using web usage data
  • 4M1-IOS-3c: 9:00-12:00, Friday June 15, 2012
    • 4M1-IOS-3c-1 (9:00-9:30)
      • K. Saengthongpattana and N. Soonthornphisaj
      • Thai Wikipedia Quality Measurement using Fuzzy Logic
    • 4M1-IOS-3c-2 (9:30-10:00)
      • C.-H. Chang, C.-H. Chang, and M. Kayed
      • FivaTech2: A Supervised Approach to Role Differentiation for Web Data Extraction From Template pages
    • Break (10:00-10:30)
    • 4M1-IOS-3c-3 (10:30-11:00)
      • C.-H. Chen, L.-H. Chen, and Y. Takama
      • Proposal of Situation-based Clustering of Sightseeing Spot Images based on ROI-based Color Feature Extraction
    • 4M1-IOS-3c-4 (11:00-11:30)
      • K. Tanaka, S. Yano, and M. Matsutshita
      • PHOTMOSPHERE: a system for amplifying connection between memory and record
    • 4M1-IOS-3c-5 (11:30-12:00)
      • L-.H. Chen, M.-F. Tsai, C.-H. Hsu, and Y.-S. Cehn
      • Simulating Aging and Reverse-Aging Phenomena of Traditional Chinese Paintings