News / Highlights

News / highlights

News on 2023 Angew. Chem. Paper

News on 2021 JACS Paper

News on University of Toronto news


News Engineering University of Toronto

News and Views on 2021 Nature Chemistry Paper

Science Translational Medicine, blog: A Bouncing, Swinging New Detection Method

Featured in Chemistry World (RSC): A Bouncing, Swinging New Detection Method

News and Views in Nature Chemistry: Signal transduction with a swing by Kevin Plaxco et al.

Spotlight in JACS on 2021 JACS Perspective

News and Views on 2016 JACS Paper

Spotlighted in JACS- New Chip-Based Method Detects Circulating Tumor DNA

Featured in Genome Web - DNA Clutch Probes Make Electrochemical Clamp Assay Applicable to Circulating DNA

News and Views on 2015 Nature Chemistry Paper

News and views in Nature Chemistry: Clamping down on cancer detection

Featured in Chemistry World (RSC): Simple sensor can spot cancer markers in minutes

Featured in Chemistry Electrochemical Society: Super sensor spots cancer markers

Featured in Canadian cancer society news: A new ultrasensitive blood test ……………………   

Canadian Cancer Society - Top 10 Research Impact Stories of 2015 

Featured in Blood test for cancer biomarkers using an electrochemical clamp assay

Featured in finance Yahoo - Xagenic nabs exclusive rights to u of Toronto mutation detection....

Featured in Lung cancer news today- Blood test for cancer biomarkers using an……….………

Featured in Med India - New Electrochemical Assay Can Accurately Diagnose Cancer ……….

Featured in Med gadget - New Electrochemical Assay for Diagnosing Cancer Causing……...…

Featured in Chem report - Simple sensor can spot cancer markers in minutes

Featured in Genome Web - Xagenic nabs exclusive rights to u of Toronto mutation detection…..

News and Views on 2013 ACS Nano Paper

ACS Nano Editor’s Choice

News and Views on 2013 Analytical Chemistry Paper

Analytical Chemistry Editor’s Choice

News and Views on 2013 Nature Communications Paper

Highlighted in Nature Materials: Multiplexed for detection (Nature Materials 12, 688 (2013)

News in Medical News Today: Chip identifies bacterial infection in minutes, not days

News in Pharma: Pharmaceutical Industry News - Toronto Tech Promises Super-Fast Identification of Bacterial Pathogens

News in News University of Toronto - University of Toronto breakthrough allows fast, reliable pathogen identification

News in - Breakthrough allows fast, reliable pathogen identification

News in Innovations Report - University of toronto breakthrough allows fast, reliable pathogen identification

News and Views on 2012 Nature Chemistry Paper

News and views in Nature Chemistry 4, 595 (2012) - Taking charge of detectionOn the cover of Nature Chemistry

On the cover of Nature Chemistry

Highlighted in Nature Methods 9, Page:870 Year published:(2012) - A sensor that makes sense

Featured in Chemical and Engineering News 90, 28 (2012) – Universal detector measure……..

Featured in Canadian Chemical News September, 10 (2012) – Neutralizer assay improves ..….

Commentaries in MRS Communications (2012), 1 of 3 doi:10.1557/mrc.2012.24 

Highlighted in BioTechniques 53(3),127 - One size fits all

News and Views on Biosensors & Bioelectronics Paper 2008

 Our 2008 Biosensor and Bioelectronics paper was selected as Top 25 Hottest Article

News on 2006 JACS Paper

Analytical Chemistry news on our 2006 JACS paper