
Here are some photos (all taken by me) for feline fanatics.

You can find more on Stan and Shelley's Instagram feed.

Stan (7 years old)

Shelley (6 years old, the furry one!)

Stan (4 years old)

Shelley (4 years old)

Stan (3 years old)

Shelley (3 years old)

Stan (3 years old)

Shelley (2 years old)

Stan & Orange (2 years old)

Orange (2 years old)

Shelley (1 year old)

Stan (1 year old)

Shelley & Stan (6 months old)

Shelley & Stan (6 months old)

Simpkin, the College Cat at Hertford College, Oxford, U.K.

A stray cat in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

A church cat (or a cat church) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Stray cats in the Philippines