

"The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Product Compositions of Plants " with Bo-young Choi, Journal of International Trade and Industry Studies, Volume 28, No.4, December 2023, Page 97-114

"The Effect of Intra-firm Linkages on Firm Productivity" with Bo-young Choi, Review of International Economics, Volume 31, Issue 3, Pages 886-903, August 2023 

“What’s Driving the Diffusion of Next-Generation Digital Technologies?” with Timothy DeStefano, Hanhin Kim, Inchul Kim and Jin Hyun Paik, Technovation, Volume 119, January 2023, 102477

“An Analysis of the Relationship between Industrial Production Activities and the Supply and Demand of Industrial Labor” (in Korean) with Youngmin Kim, The Korea Economic Forum, Volume 14, No.2, pp99-119, 2021.

“Determinants of Investment in Korea and Implications of Recent Sluggish Investment” (in Korean) with Wonkyu Kim, Future Growth Studies, Volume 6, No.2, pp 3-20, 2020.

“Specialization, Firm Dynamics and Economic Growth” with Zhizhuang Ge, East Asian Economic Review, Volume 23, No.2, pp 169-202, 2019.

“Knowledge Transfer to Foreign Affiliates of Multinationals through Expatriation” Journal of International Economics, Volume 113, Pages 106-117, 2018.

Working Paper: 

"Determinants of Firm-level AI Adoption: Evidence from a Large-scale South Korean Panel Dataset" (with Timothy DeStefano, Thomaz Teodorovic,  Hanhin Kim, and Jin Paik) (presented at the NBER Economics and AI Conference 2021, AOM 2022, ZEW 2022). under review

Research in Progress:

“AI Adoption and Firm Productivity” with Danbee Song 

“Organization of Multinationals”

“Servicification, Automation and Wage Premium” with Youngmin Kim and Hanhin Kim

Other Work: 

“A Study on APEC Cooperation for Digital Economic Utilization in GVC” with Renato Baumann, Hanhin Kim and Germán Rios, APEC Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI), January 2022

“Global Value Chains and Implications for the Mercosur-Korea Trade Agreement” with Hanhin Kim, Danbee Song and Stacey Frederick, Fundacao Getulio Vargas, December 2021

“The Digital Economy, Global Value Chains and Asia” with Stacey Frederick, Penny Bamber, Duke University Global Value Chain Center, December 2018

“Manufacturing Digitalization: Extent of Adoption and Recommendations for Increasing Penetration in Korea and the U.S” with Stepehn Ezell, Robert Atkinson, Inchul Kim, Information Technology & Innovation Foundation, August 2018

“Korea in Global Value Chains: Pathways for Industrial Transformation” with Stacey Frederick, Penny Bamber, Lukas Brun, Gary Gereffi, Joonkoo Lee, Duke University Global Value Chain Center, October 2017