English Version

I have a degree in Computer Science by UNIPAMPA (2014) and a master degree in Computer Engineering by FURG (2017). In 2017 I teached at C3. During my graduation course I had scholarship in three major projects:

  • info.edu: information and comunication tecnology in Alegrete's school communities (PROEXT2011/MEC-SESu)
  • Accessibility in Communication: forums and workshops as mechanisms to promote autonomy in scholar inclusion (PROEXT2010/MEC/SeSu)
  • scholarship from CEaD

Two internships by city hall:

  • Basic informatics teaching to local comunity
  • Center of Reference in Digital Inclusion

During my master, I was revisor at ICCEEG and my teaching internship was in Computer Theory and Formal languages. My paper "Teoria da Identidade Social Aplicada ao Jogo de Autorregulação dos Processos de Trocas Sociais Baseado em Sistemas Multiagente" was elected as one of the 5 best papers at 7ª Conferência Sul em Modelagem Computacional, and being publish at Revista Brasileira de Computação Aplicada. My research involved: Artificial Intelligence, Multi-agent Systems, Social Simulation, and Social Identity Theory. I was advised by Professor Graçaliz Dimuro and Professor Diana Adamatti.

In graduation I was member of (GEInfoEDU) - Group os Studies in Educational Informatics, and extensionist representation student.

In my insertion in IT market I worked at DbServer, Tag Livros and IBM in the QA area focusing on automation.

You can also check my Lattes version.