
Research Interests

Labour and Development Economics.

Areas of research: (i) international migration and impact on host and origin countries, (ii) refugees, (iii) return migration, (iv) labour mobility; (v) human capital investment, schooling and child labour, (v) labour markets in developing countries.

Current & Selected Previous Funded Research Projects:

"Quantifying migration scenarios for better policy", Co-Investigator, funded by EU H2020, 2020-2023.

 "Syrian Refugees in Jordan," Principal Investigator, funded by the British Academy, 2016-2018.

 "Migration and the reshaping of consumption patterns"  funded by the ESRC, ANR, DFG & NSFC, 2015-2018. 

Survey of Graduating International Students in the UK (Wave 1), Co-Investigator, funded by ONS. 2016-17.

 "Temporary Migration and Economic Development: the Triple-Win Policy Vision applied to North Africa," Principal Investigator, funded by ESRC-DFID, 2012-2014. 

ESRC, Collaborative Analysis of Microdata Resources: China-South Africa Pathfinder Research Projects, on “Assessing the impact of internal labour migration on intergenerational support, health and income: the cases of China and South Africa” Co-investigator. 2011-12.

 "Understanding Migrants’ Choices" Principal Investigator, funded by NORFACE Research Programme on Migration, 2009-2012.