
Welcome to my website. In July 2024 I will be moving to Bayes Business School (formerly Cass) in the role of Reader (Associate Professor) in Data Analytics. I currently hold the position of Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Economics at the King's Business School, King's College London. I am also a Research Associate of the Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence (ESCoE).

My current research focusses on econometrics, forecasting and nowcasting, forecast evaluation, functional data, quantile regression and big data methods. The main applications of my work are to the prediction of macroeconomic and financial variables, and topics in energy and environmental economics.

My teaching also focusses on econometrics and data analytics. I try to promote engagement in quantitative subjects through a blended learning approach using technological innovations such as flipped videos for mathematical topics with interactive formative quizzes.

I was recently shortlisted for the 2023 King's Education Awards and have been nominated and shortlisted for the award in previous years. See teaching page for full details of nominations.