
My research revolves around how nearby galaxies start and stop forming stars and how the growth of their central supermassive black holes affect the evolution of the host galaxy.  In particular, I use very large all-sky surveys of radio emission and atomic Hydrogen to understand the physical mechanisms that drive star formation and galaxy evolution. I am available as a CSIRO co-supervisor of graduate student projects.   I have graduate level (Masters & PhD) student projects in the following In areas:

More information about the benefits of CSIRO co-supervision can be found here.

I also have close ties with ICRAR/UWA and the student coordinators (Matthew Young/ Claudia Lagos) have a list of the student projects . But if you do not find them appealing and would like to work on a project that is related to my other areas of research listed above, I urge all potential enthusiastic students to contact me and we can design a research project together that ignites the student's interest. 

More information on pursuing postgraduate studies in astrophysics at ICRAR/UWA can be found on the official ICRAR website. Alternatively, here is a link to the latest ICRAR/UWA PhD booklet describing each PhD supervisor's research interest.

Research students for whom I am/was their primary supervisor

PhD (Curtin+CSIRO): Joe Grundy (2021 - now) on "Radio continuum properties of star-forming galaxies"

PhD (UWA+CSIRO): Manasvee Saraf (2021 - now) on "Galaxy evolution in the Norma Cluster"

MPhys (UWA): Ryan Bagge (2020 - 2021) on "Can spheroids regrow arms?" --> completing a PhD @UNSW

MPhys (UWA): Emmett Lyon (2020 - 2021) on "The HI properties of radio-excess galaxies"

Honours (UWA): Vinay Kerai (2021) on "Discoveries from the Radio Galaxy Zoo forum using Machine Learning/ Natural Language Processing methods"

PhD (UWA) : Ahmed Elagali (2016-2020) on "Galaxy collisions and interactions" --> now Principal Reserach Scientist at UWA

Masters of Physics (UWA) : Alex Williamson (2015-2016) on "Search for large HI streams from HIPASS" --> completed a PhD @Curtin, now a postdoc @ICRAR/UWA

Summer research studentship (ICRAR/UWA): Andrew Jamieson (2014-2015) on "The effect of photodissociation on the observed HI content of nearby galaxies"

Undergraduate spare-pair of hands research experience (UWA): Morgan Goodman (2014)

Undergraduate research students (Macquarie Univ/CSIRO): Bronte Hoban & Michelle Whitford (2013) on "ATCA archival search for HI stream candidates"

Co-supervisor/thesis committee/mentoring/collaboration with research students:

Jeein Kim (Yonsei University), Macon Magno (Texas A&M), Tamsyn O'Beirne (Swinburne/UWA), Georgia Stewart (UTas), Jie Li* (UWA), Omima Osman* (UWA), Chandra Murugeshan* (Swinburne), Matthew Alger* (ANU), Nina Glaser* (ETH-Zurich), Junhyun Baek* (Yonsei), Xuanyi Lyu* (UWA), Ruby Wright* (ICRAR/UWA), Yuri Uno* (Kagoshima), Shuntaro Yoshida* (Nagoya), Lyla Seoyoung Jung*, (Yonsei), Kate Harborne* (ICRAR/UWA), Rhys Poulton* (ICRAR/UWA), Soheil Koushan* (ICRAR/UWA), Fiona Audcent-Ross* (ICRAR/UWA), Anna Weigel* (ETH-Zurich), Hyein Yoon* (Yonsei), Bumhyun Lee* (Yonsei), Katarina Lutz* (Swinburne), Helga Denes* (Swinburne) & Kathrin Wolfinger* (Swinburne)  
