I.V. Math Enrichment

Education is preparation for the path your child will take in life !!

Professional Math Instruction offered by a math instructor who has taught math exclusively for 15 years Pre K through Algebra/Geometry using the Singapore and Traditional methods of teaching math with the goal of preparing students for higher order Mathematics.

Educational support for struggling students and those ready for advanced studies. Afterschool Program, Homeschooled students, and student Athletes.

Achieve, Believe, Conceive!! (ABC)

When a child Achieves success, they Believe they can, they are secure in their ability and gain confidence. It is confidence that keeps them motivated to learn when learning gets challenging. What they Conceive is reinforced. This is a positive learning cycle

When a child experiences repeated failure, they lose confidence (doubt and insecurity in ones ability) they start to Believe they are not smart and eventually become unmotivated to learn. What they Conceive is reinforced This is a negative learning cycle.

Math builds on itself like no other subject. If your child is struggling with math there are only two choices to help them. Get them the support they need Early to lay the foundation for future success, this is preventative education or Wait until the child is so far behind and has no foundation to build on to get them the help they need. Getting caught up at this stage is like climbing mount Everest!! This is reactive education and places tremendous stress and burden on the student. Most will give up.


Subscription rate-

1 to 1 2x per week is $280 per month (Have a classmate join your child, 2 t0 1, and the rate is $240 per month. Have 2 classmates join your child 3 to 1 and the rate is $180 per month).We do not exceed 3 to 1.

Flat Rate- $50 per session

Thank you for the opportunity to support your child's education!!

Contact mathenrichment@mychildsiv.com for more information.


Subscription rate-

1 to 1 rate- 2x per week is $280 per month, have a classmate join your child, 2 to 1, and the rate is $240 per month. Have 2 classmates join your child, 3 to 1, and the rate is $180.

Flat Rate- $50 per session

Contact mathenrichment@mychildsiv.com for more information.