Media coverage

Media coverage of academic research

Can Data Privacy Be Managed Better?, Management Science Review -- 11/7/2023

A blog post on our paper Digital Privacy (joint with Andrea Galeotti and Ruslan Momot).

How Business Is Navigating Digital Privacy, Luohan On Air (podcast) -- 3/23/2022

A conversation with my co-author and friend, Ruslan Momot, and the host, Debra Mao, about digital privacy, incentives, and welfare. Much of the conversation is based on findings in our paper Digital Privacy (joint with Andrea Galeotti).

Itay Fainmesser || Digital Privacy || Luohan Academy and Princeton University Privacy Workshop, News 11 Paper -- 2/22/2022 

A presentation of the paper Digital Privacy

How Companies Can Do Data Privacy Better, Kellogg Insight -- 10/4/2021

An article by my co-author and friend, Ruslan Momot, about our joint work with Andrea Galeotti on digital privacy,

고객정보 빨아들이는 기업…'데이터稅' 매겨 오남용 막아야, MK -- 8/19/2021

Korean media interview with my co-author, Ruslan Momot, about our joint work (also joint with Andrea Galeotti) on digital privacy.

MIL-OSI Global: Three ways to encourage companies to keep our data safe, ForeignAffairs -- 2/26/2021

Three ways to encourage companies to keep our data safe, The Conversation -- 2/25/2021

An article by my co-author, Ruslan Momot, about our joint work (also joint with Andrea Galeotti) on digital privacy.

How Can We Force Companies To Keep Our Data Safe?, Knowledge@HEC -- 12/4/2020

An article by my co-author, Ruslan Momot, about our joint work (also joint with Andrea Galeotti) on digital privacy.

For the Public, Data Collection during COVID-19 Offers Benefits and Poses Hazards, Tech Xplore (Science X) -- 7/27/2020

For the Public, Data Collection during COVID-19 Offers Benefits -- and Poses Hazards, HUB Daily -- 7/24/2020

For the Public, Data Collection during COVID-19 Offers Benefits -- and Poses Hazards, Newswise -- 7/22/2020

A byproduct of the COVID-19 pandemic and of social distancing is a sharp increase in online activity. This magnifies existing digital privacy challenges and introduces new ones. This piece is a short discussion of this issue based on the paper Digital Privacy.   

The Optimal Data Policy Against Malicious Use of Data, Frontiers -- 3/2020

Coverage by the Frontiers magazine of the Luohan Academy of the paper Digital Privacy

Note: While it is correct that we recommend enforcement against online adversaries, our policy recommendations also include regulation of digital businesses, in particular, a minimal level of data protection requirement combined with a tax on collection of user data (or liability fines for damage to users from data misuse by third-parties).

Les influenceurs courent à leur perte selon le modèle mathématique d’un économiste, La Réclame -- 5/6/2019

 French media coverage of the paper The Market for Online Influence

Advertising regulations harm social media influencers, followers, and marketers alike, HUB Daily -- 4/15/2019

 Coverage of the main insights of the paper The Market for Online Influence

Under the Influence, Changing Business Magazine -- 3/19/2019

An interview that I gave about the paper The Market for Online Influence

How transparency is damaging social media marketing, London Business School Review -- 11/20/2018

An interview with my co-author, Andrea Galeotti, about our paper The Market for Online Influence

Economic commentary

Q&A: All Data Are Health Data, The Johns Hopkins Pandemic Data Initiative -- 1/27/2022 

Ask the Expert: Reviews and Commercials in the Car Insurance -- 8/5/2021

Apple and Facebook step on each other’s toes in debate about data, The Johns Hopkins News-Letter -- 3/3/2021 

Ask the Expert: the Car Insurance Industry and Influencer Marketing, -- 1/25/2021