Prof. Magdy Bayoumi

Title: Intelligent Systems & IoT: A Marriage Made in Heaven


Recent developments in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning have offered transformational enabling technologies to create new intelligent systems (IS). The fast growing Internet of Things (IoT) rich connectivity can add a new dimension to IS leading to the evolution of many disruptive technologies to many of our life styles. These new technologies will help in finding innovative solutions to our societal grand challenges in: Population Aging, Natural and Man Made Disasters, Green and Renewable Energy, healthcare, agriculture, manufacturing, Urban Planning and many others.

Machine Learning (ML) amplifies the value and significance of IoT data analytics. Traditional algorithms and schemes can’t keep up with the vast amount of data generated in IoT based systems. Moreover, ML provides more insights and extracts more useful knowledge from such data. Such smart IoT systems will enable organizations to add new values at the technical level, such as: developing new products, enhance existing products at high rate, predicting maintenance, reducing risks and failures, and developing much more user-friendly systems.

In this talk, we will think and discuss together these highlights


Magdy A. Bayoumi is the Department Head of W. H. Hall Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering. He is the Hall Endowed Chair in Computer Engineering. He was the Director of the Center for Advanced Computer Studies (CACS) and the Department Head of Computer Science Department. He was. Also, the Loflin Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair in Computer Science, all at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette where he has been a faculty member since 1985. He received B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Cairo University, Egypt; M.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering from Washington University, St. Louis; and Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Windsor, Canada.

Dr. Bayoumi has graduated about 100 Ph.D and 150 MSC students, authored/co-authored about 600 research papers and more than 10 books. He was the guest/co-guest editor of more than 10 special journal issues, the latest was on Machine to Machine Interface.

Bayoumi is an IEEE Fellow. He has served in many capacities in the IEEE Computer, Signal Processing, and Circuits & Systems (CAS) societies. Currently, he is the vice president of Technical Activities of IEEE RFID council and he is on the IEEE RFID Distinguished Lecture Program (DLP). He is a member of IEEE IoT Activity Board. Bayoumi has received many awards, among them; the IEEE CAS Education award and the IEEE CAS Distinguished Service award. He was on the IEEE DLP programs for CAS and Computer societies. He was on the IEEE Fellow Selection Committee. Bayoumi has been an ABET evaluator and he was an ABET commissioner and team chair. He has given numerous keynote/invited lectures and talks nationally and internationally. Bayoumi was the general chair of IEEE ICASSP 2017 in New Orleans. He, also, chaired many conferences including ISCAS 2007, ICIP 2009, and ICECS 2015.

Bayoumi was the chair of an international delegation to China, sponsored by People-to-People Ambassador, 2000. He received the French Government Fellowship, University of Paris Orsay, 2003-2005 and 2009. He was a Visiting Professor at King Saud University. He was a United Nation visiting scholar. He was a visiting professor at University of King Saud. He has been an advisor to many EE/CMPS departments in several countries.

Bayoumi was on the State of Louisiana Comprehensive Energy Policy Committee. He was the vice president of Acadiana Technology Council. He was on the Chamber of Commerce Tourism and Education committees. He was a member of several delegations representing Lafayette to international cities. He was on the Le Centre International Board. He was the general

chair of SEASME (an organization of French Speaking cities) conference in Lafayette. He is a member of Lafayette Leadership Institute, he was a founding member of its executive committee. He was a column editor for Lafayette Newspaper; the Daily Advertiser.