Research papers
Work In Progress:
"Returns to Education in Mechanisms with Strategic Reporting and Imperfect Compliance: The Chilean Case" with M. Berthana, S. Gallegos, and M. Luflade.
"Robust counterfactuals in Centralized School Choice Systems" with L. Li
(Re) Submit (ted) and Working papers:
"Horowitz-Manski-Lee Bounds with Multilayred Sample Selection" with K. Kroft and A. Vayalinkal
"An Empirical framework for matching with imperfect competition" with C. Mons, K. Kroft, and E. Mattana.
"A sharp test for Judge leniency IV designs" with M. Coulibaly, Y-C. Hsu, and Y. Wan
"Causal effects in Matching Mechanism with Strategically Reported Preferences", with M. Berthana, and M. Luflade.
"Layered sensitivity analysis in program evaluation using the MTE" with Y. Wan.
"Evaluating the impact of regulatory policies on Social Welfare in Difference-in-Difference settings" with D. Ghanem and D. Kedagni, Revise and resubmit at The Review of Economic Studies.
Published and Forthcoming papers:
"Discordant Relaxations of misspecified models" with D.Kédagni and L. Li, accepted at Quantitative Economics.
"Role models and revealed gender-specific costs of STEM in an extended Roy model of major choice" with M. Henry and R. Méango, accepted at the Journal of Econometrics.
"Testing Identifying assumptions in Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Design" with A. Yoichi, Y-C Hsu, T. Kitagawa, and Y. Wan, accepted at Quantitative Economics. Appendix , Replication code and Matlab Functions.
"The Cobb Douglas Marriage Matching Function: Marriage matching with peer effects," with A. Siow, Journal of Labor Economics, 2021, vol. 39, no. S1, SSRN.
"Sharp bounds and testability of a Roy model of STEM Major choices" with M.Henry and R.Méango, Journal of Political Economy, 2020, vol. 128, no. 8, SSRN.
"Generalized Instrumental Inequalities: Testing IV independence assumption" with D. Kédagni, Biometrika, 107(3), 2020, pp 661–675. Appendix, SSRN. Stata replications files.
"Two way exclusion restrictions in models with heterogenous treatment effects" with S. Liu and Y.Wan, The Econometrics Journal, 23, 345–362 (2020).
"A marriage matching function with flexible spillover and substitution patterns" Economic Theory, 67, 421–461 (2019).
"My friend far far away: A Random Field Approach to Exponential Random Graph Models" with V. Boucher, The Econometrics Journal, 20(3), 2017, S14-S46. SSRN, Wins the 2017 Denis Sargan Econometrics prize.
"Testing Local Average Treatment Effect assumptions," with Y. Wan, Review of Economics and Statistics, 99(2), 305-313, (2017) Appendix. Stata replication files. SSRN
"Sharp bounds on treatment effects in a binary triangular system" Journal of Econometrics, 187(1) 74-81 (2015). SSRN
"Tightening bounds in triangular systems," with D. Kédagni, Economics Letters, 125(3) 455-458 (2014). SSRN
"A note on the identification in two probit model with dummy endogenous regressor,"with R. Méongo, Economics Letters, 125(3) 360-363 (2014). Matlab Replication files, SSRN
"Euclidean revealed preferences: testing the spatial voting model" with M. Henry, Journal of applied econometrics, 28(3) (2013).
"Set inference in latent variables models" with M. Henry, The Econometrics Journal, 16(1) S93-S105 (2013).
Dormant papers:
"Nonparametric sharp bounds for payoff functions in 2x2 games," with M.Henry, R&R at The Econometrics Journal.
"A tale of two cities: Settlements disparities in School Achievement in Burkina Faso," with I. Ouili and T. Russell, R&R. SSRN
"(Partially) Identifying potential outcome distributions in triangular systems," with Y. Wan. SSRN