Zero Conditional


Scientific facts , universal truths and rules

If Clause

If you show food to a dog

If you get a six

When injustice becomes law

Present Simple

Main Clause

it slobbers

you can start the game

resistance becomes duty

Present Simple

In place of if we can use when/ every time /whenever

Pavlov's dog experiment

Before conditioning, if you show food to a dog, it slobbers. If it hears a bell ringing it doesn't slobber. During conditioning, if the dog hears a bell ringing while you show it food, it slobbers. So, after conditioning, if the dog hears a bell ringing even if you don't show it any food, it slobbers all the same.

  • Activity 1: More about dog behaviour.

E.g. If a dog wags its tail, it feels happy

1. If a dog puts its tail between its legs _____________________

2. If a dog licks your hands or face ______________________

3. If a dog holds its tail high __________________________

  • Activity 2: Mixing colours. Complete the sentences using zero -conditional

E.g.: If you mix yellow and blue you get green.

1. If you mix yellow and red ________________________

2. If you mix blue and red ________________________

3. _______________________ you get brown.

  • Activity 3: "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty". Is this sentence a universal truth for you? Discuss it with your partner.

  • Activity 4: Write 3 other universal truths (or facts that are universal truths for you) using Zero Conditional. Then share them with your partner and see if you agree or disagree with each other.

If the rain comes they (1) __________ and (2) __________ their heads.

They might as well be dead.

If the rain comes, if the rain comes.

When the sun shines they slip into the shade

(When the sun shines down.)

And sip their (3) __________.

(When the sun shines down.)

When the sun shines, when the sun shines.

Rain, I don't mind.

Shine, the world (4) ________ fine.

I can show you that when it starts to (5) __________,

(When the Rain comes down.)

Everything's the (6) __________.

(When the Rain comes down.)

I can show you, I can show you.

Rain, I don't mind.

Shine, the world (7) __________fine.

Can you hear me, that when it rains and shines,

(When it Rains and shines)

It's just a state of (8)__________?

(When it rains and shines).

Can you hear me, can you hear me?

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Bristol 2011

  • Activity 5: Listen to the song an fill in the gaps with just one word.

  • Activity 6: If it rains, what do you normally do? And if the sun shines? What do you prefer: rain or shine? Get up and move around the classroom to ask your classmates.

  • Activity 7: Who are "they" in the song? Discuss it with a partner.


When I grumble, only the volcano listens. When the volcano grumbles, everybody listens.

People would be crazy not to listen to a volcano. A man who talks to a volcano is crazy.

(Spencer Holst)