• Magalhaes IS, Whiting JR, D'Agostino D, Hohenlohe PA, Mahmud M, Bell M, Skúlason S, MacColl ADC (2020) Intercontinental genomic parallelism in multiple three-spined stickleback adaptive radiations, Nature Ecology and Evolution 5: 251-261.

  • Hohenlohe PA, Magalhaes IS (2019) The population genomics of parallel adaptation: lessons from threespine stickleback. In Oleksiak M, Rajora OP, eds. Population Genomics: Marine Organisms. Springer.

  • Dean LL, Magalhaes IS, Foote A, D’Agostino D, McGowan S, MacColl AD (2019) Admixture between ancient lineages, selection, and the formation of sympatric stickleback speciespairs. Molecular Biology and Evolution, doi:10.1093/molbev/msz161.

  • Whiting JR, Magalhaes IS, Singkam, AR, Robertson S, D'Agostino D., Bradley JE, MacColl ADC (2018) A genetics‐based approach confirms immune associations with life history across multiple populations of an aquatic vertebrate (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Molecular Ecology 27: 3174- 3191.

  • Magalhaes IS, Smith AM, Joyce DA (2017). Quantifying mating success of territorial males and sneakers in a bower-building cichlid fish. Scientific Reports 7:41128.

  • Magalhaes IS, D'Agostino D, Hohenlohe PA, MacColl, ADC (2016). The ecology of an adaptive radiation of three-spined stickleback from North Uist, Scotland. Molecular Ecology 25: 4319-4336.

  • Magalhaes IS, Garcia-Ornelas CP, Leal-Cardin M, Barluenga M (2015). Untangling the evolutionary history of a highly polymorphic species: introgressive hybridization and high genetic structure in the desert cichlid fish Herichtys minckleyi. Molecular Ecology 24: 4505-4520.

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  • Magalhaes IS, Croft GE, Joyce DA (2013). Altering an extended phenotype reduces intraspecifc male aggression and can maintain diversity in cichlid fish. PeerJ, 1, e209.

  • Magalhaes IS, Lundsgaard-Hansen B, Mwaiko S, Seehausen O (2012). Evolutionary divergence in replicate pairs of ecotypes of Lake Victoria cichlid fish. Evolutionary Ecology Research 14: 381-401.

  • Magalhaes IS, Gleiser G, Labouche AM, Bernasconi G (2011). Comparative population genetic structure in a plant - pollinator/seed predator system. Molecular Ecology 20: 4618-4630.

  • Magalhaes IS, Mwaiko S, Seehausen O (2010). Sympatric colour polymorphisms associated with non-random gene flow in cichlid fish of Lake Victoria. Molecular Ecology 19: 3285-3300.

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  • Magalhaes IS, Seehausen O (2010). Genetics of male nuptial colour divergence between sympatric sister species of Lake Victoria cichlid fish. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 914–924.

  • Magalhaes IS, Mwaiko S., Mrosso .H.D.J., Schneider M.V., Seehausen O. (2009) Disruptive selection and adaptive phenotypic plasticity during incipient speciation in Lake Victoria cichlid fish. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22: 260-274.

  • Seehausen O., Terai Y., Magalhaes IS, Carleton K.L., Mrosso H.D.J., Miyagi R., van der Sluijs I., Schneider M.V., Tachida H., Imai H., Okada N. (2008) Speciation through sensory drive in cichlid fish. Nature 455: 620-627.

  • Magalhaes IS, Lurling M., Roijackers R., Spaak, P. (2004) Vertical distribution of Daphnia in Lake Berendonck (The Netherlands) during progressive hypolimnion oxygen depletion. Proceedings of the XXIX congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology (SIL).

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