
PhD in Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2014): "Essays on Human Capital and Labor Market Dynamics" (supervisors: Jordi Galí and Thijs van Rens)

Visiting student, August 2012 – May 2013, University of Maryland 

MSc in Economics and Finance,  CEMFI (2007)

BA in Business Management and Administration, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2005) 

BA in Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2004) 

Research Fields

Macroeconomics, Labor Economics, Monetary Economics

Current Employment

2014- present  Federal Reserve Board. Economist

Previous Employment

International Monetary Fund. Summer internship, 2013

Banc Sabadell, Macroeconomics department. Economist, 2007 – 2009

Bank of Spain, Research department. Summer internship, 2006

Teaching Experience

Fall 2017-2018          Macroeconomic Theory (graduate), MS in Applied Economics, Johns Hopkins University. Instructor

Spring 2012               Advanced Macroeconomics II (undergraduate), UPF. Teaching fellow for Professor Jordi Galí

Fall 2011                    Review Course in Computational Tools: Stata (graduate), UPF. Instructor

Winter-Spring 2011 Thesis Project in International Trade, Finance and Development (graduate), UPF. Instructor

Winter 2010              Corporate Finance (graduate), UPF. Teaching fellow for Professor Albert Banal-Estañol

Fall 2009                    Mathematics I (undergraduate), UPF. Teaching fellow for Professor Jaume Paradís


Journal of Political Economy, AER: Insights, AEJ: Macroeconomics, Journal of the European Economic Association, Economic Journal, Quantitative Economics, Journal of Labor Economics, Review of Economic Dynamics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, International Economic Review, Economic Inquiry, IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, The Journal of Economic Inequality, The Manchester School, The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, World Development, Canadian Journal of Economics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Demography

Other Professional Activities

Scientific Committee of the 48th Simposio of the Spanish Economic Association (SAEe 2023)


"Market Power, Inequality, and Financial Stability" (joint with Jae Sim), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2024, Vol. 164.

"Monetary Policy and Financial Stability" (joint with Jae Sim), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2023, Vol. 157.

“The Cyclicality of Labor Force Participation Flows: The Role of Labor Supply Elasticities and Wage Rigidity” (joint with Shigeru Fujita and Camilo Morales-Jiménez), Review of Economic Dynamics, 2022, Vol. 43, pp.197-216.

“Human Capital and Unemployment Dynamics: Why More Educated Workers Enjoy Greater Employment Stability” (joint with Tomaz Cajner), Economic Journal, 2018, vol. 128(609), pp. 652–682. [Recipient of the 2018 Austin Robinson Memorial Prize]

“An Empirical Analysis of Retirement Behaviour in Spain: Partial versus Full Retirement”, SERIEs Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, 2010, vol. 1(3), pp. 325-356

Chapter in book (in Spanish): “La Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales. Capítulo V. La transición a la jubilación” (joint with Isabel Argimón and Clara González), Colección Informes y Estudios, Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales, 2006, 141-160

Policy Papers

"The Asymmetric Costs of Misperceiving R-star" (joint with Andrea Ajello, Vasco Cúrdia, and Albert Queralto), FRBSF Economic Letter, 2021-01

Monetary Policy Tradeoffs and the Federal Reserve’s Dual Mandate" (joint with Andrea Ajello, Vasco Cúrdia, Thomas A. Lubik, and Albert Queralto), August 2020. Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2020-066. Washington: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Working Papers

“Labor Market Discrimination and The Racial Unemployment Gap: Can Monetary Policy Make a Difference?” (joint with Avi Lipton), September 2023, Submitted

“Endogenous Labor Supply in an Estimated New-Keynesian Model: Nominal versus Real Rigidities” (joint with Hess Chung, Cristina Fuentes-Albero, Camilo Morales-Jiménez, Damjan Pfajfar, Francesco Ferrante), September 2023, Submitted

“The Slowdown in Business Employment Dynamics: The Role of Changing Skill Demands”, 2022

“Income Inequality, Financial Crises, and Monetary Policy” (joint with Jae Sim), 2018

“The Fading Dynamism of the U.S. Labor Market: The Role of Demographics” (joint with Tomaz Cajner), 2013


2023: Washington Area Labor Economics Symposium (Washington DC)

2019: IZA Workshop: Heterogeneity and the Labor Market (Bonn), Second Catalan Economic Society Conference (Barcelona), Fordham Conference on Macroeconomics and International Finance (NYC, discussant), Fed Listens: Distributional Consequences of the Cycle and Monetary Policy (Minneapolis Fed)

2018: 1st Winter Workshop of the Catalan Economic Society (Barcelona)

2017: European Winter Meetings of the Econometric Society (Barcelona), Spanish Economic Association (Barcelona), European Economic Association (Lisbon), European System of Central Banks’ Day-Ahead Conference (Lisbon, discussant)

2016: European Economic Association (Geneva), System Macroeconomics Committee Meeting (FRB Atlanta)

2015: European Winter Meetings of the Econometric Society (Milan), Spanish Economic Association Annual Meeting (Girona), Canadian Economics Association (Toronto), Annual Search and Matching Conference (Aix-en-Provence)

2014:  Society of Labor Economists (Arlington), European Economic Association (Toulouse)

2013: Spanish Economic Association Annual Meeting (Santander), 2nd IZA@DC Young Scholar Program (Washington DC), European Association of Labour Economists (Torino), European Economic Association (Gothenburg), 9th CIREQ Ph.D. Students’ Conference (Montréal)

2012: Spanish Economic Association Annual Meeting (Vigo), Society for Computational Economics (Prague)

2011:  European Economic Association (Oslo)

2007: FEDEA Conference on users of the dataset MCVL (“Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales”), Madrid


2021: Penn State University

2019: CREi, Universitat de Barcelona, American University

2015: US Census Bureau

2014: Federal Reserve Board, College of William and Mary, HEC Montréal, Stockholm School of Economics, IZA, Bank of Spain, Bank of Italy, Universitat de València

2013: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, University of Maryland

2012: University of Warwick

2010-2013: CREI Macroeconomics Breakfast Seminar