

Asymmetric Impact of External Shocks on the Sectoral Employment Dynamics: An Approach to the Peruvian Case, (In Spanish).

Revista Economía y Sociedad No 86, page 34-40, Lima, Peru.

Book Chapters

I. Elbadawi, R. Soto, and I.Z. Martinez (2021-Forthcoming): "Exports, Exchange Regimes, and Fragility", in R. Chami, R. Espinoza, and P.J. Montiel (editors): Macroeconomic Policy in Fragile States. Oxford University Press, 2021.

Working Papers

Complementarity and Substitution of Formal and Informal Employment During the Business Cycles, (In Spanish), M.A. Thesis.

This paper aims to identify to what extent the aggregate productivity shocks and the sectoral productivity shocks explain the cyclicality of formal and informal employment during the business cycles in a small open economy that has unemployment. Using a DSGE model with two sectors and search frictions the study explains the formal and informal job movements. Thus, if an aggregate productivity shock happens, informal employment is pro-cyclical (complementarity), but if a sectoral productivity shock occurs, informal employment is counter-cyclical (substitution).

The Role of Unemployment in Salary Determination: Empirical Evidence for Lima Metropolitan, (In Spanish)

This paper presents an econometric assessment of the role of unemployment in wage determination, considering the source of employment (formal or informal). Based on dataset from the National Household Survey (ENAHO), this paper uses the methodology of Dynamic Panel Data (GMM). The results show that Lima Metropolitan has a "wage curve", and this curve is more inelastic for formal jobs compared to informal jobs which suggest the presence of stronger wage rigidities in the formal sector.

Work in Progress

Optimal Fiscal Rules

With Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel and Raimundo Soto

Adoption of Institutions

With Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel