Project #2

For MWA 2 we had to choose a topic that hits close to home and submit an analytical report on it after gathering research. To make a appealing report we were encouraged to incorporate visuals into it such as graphs to help show the data in another form besides just sentences.

Revised Project 2 below. The revisions I made were to help reflect the issue of car theft on campus more clearly. I changed the title from "Is Your Car Safe at the University of New Mexico" to "University of New Mexico's Campus Has an Auto Crime Problem that Must be Addressed". The reason for this change was to clarify that the focus of the report was on car theft and that it is an issue for the UNM community. Another revision i did was adding the source of the UNM police department crime reports. I added how many auto crimes were reported over this past semester to accurately show how the campus is doing with regards to car theft. The reports should provide an extra backing to my data since it is coming directly from UNM PD.

Analytical report

Isaac Buck

Ying Xu

English 219

27 October 2018

MWA 2 Reflective Essay

I have utilized the course outcome of content development to great lengths for project two. I thought over the best ways to present my data for my report and I chose to do it in a manner that let me talk to individuals on the topic as well as find sources on the internet. When making my analytical report, I thought of using graphs to present the data on the subject in a way that everyone would be able to understand. In my introduction I talked about car theft rates and how Albuquerque had the highest rates for 2017 is nice and all. But unless we see the rates compared to other cities on a graph we won’t be able to see how bad car theft really is here. In the end for this outcome, the best genre to display the info is what is key. Using visuals to help make my point clearer to the audience will help me support my topic

For the learning outcome, written communication, I had to make sure my style of writing was easy to follow from point to point. For my report I tried to appeal to the president of UNM by talking about what her own police officers think, what her own student thinks, and statistics on car theft in ABQ. By getting a fellow student at UNM to talk about her experience with car theft on campus is eye opening to how it affects people. That might be the most appealing part of my report to the president of UNM.

Finally, I fulfilled the course outcome of review and editing in MWA 2. After I submitted my project in the discussion board for peer review I received comments from the my peers on what I could improve on and what I did well on. I thought of what my peers said, “I would just recommend you utilize an ample amount of visual aids to liven the report up a little.” (Bryce Nelson). I took that advise to heart and went on the web to find more and better visuals. I Found two excellent graphs and I hope that they would make him proud. After I finished my report I left it for a day, then came back to read it our loud to catch any errors in my writing. I found a lot of small grammar mistakes that made the flow sound weird and unnatural. So, I just gave those parts a quick fix and that was that. After I read the paper out loud I let the computer read it to me as well to double check anything. I found one or two more mistakes that I’m glad I found because they were I bit wonky. Also, the OLA said I could add to image to the front cover to give my report more life and make people want to read it more. I then looked for an appropriate image to place on the cover! Overall my peers, OLA, and reading out loud helped review and edit my project two.