Projects & Events

eMATI is currently contributing to the organization of the Micro Nano Engineering - Eurosensors conference (MNE-ES 2022)

June 2022 Excited and glad for a newly funded interdisciplinary project: DuGluMo! This project will will set new benchmarks in the field of glucose sensing thanks to a close cooperation between 4 different Departments and 3 Faculties at the KU Leuven! 

DuGluMo will give to KU Leuven high visibility in the field of biosensing for diabetes monitoring and will open many R&D collaboration opportunities at a national and international level!

A big thanks goes to a wonderful team of colleagues Inge Depoortere, Daniel Escudero Masa, André Vantomme and Ewald Janssens!

 Stay tuned 😊

October 2022 Extremely PROUD of Catarina Fernandes & Filippo Franceschini for having obtained their FWO PhD scholarship!!! Looking forward to working together in the next 4 years on groundbreaking research in biosensing! 

December 2022 Glad to be awarded to the Small research infrastructure grant (PotenGo project) worth ~80k € to buy a high-end, high-current potentiostat that will be placed in the #KULeuven #NanoCentre. This tool will be key for the development of groundbreaking electrochemical materials, devices and systems!

A big thank you to my colleagues who supported the project: Pedro Fardim, Frederik Ceyssens, Michael Kraft, Carmen Bartic, Jean-Pierre Locquet, Ewald Janssens, Peter Lievens & Didier Grandjean

December 2022 New VLAIO project won with SCK CEN (radiobiology).

The project will  develop organ-on-chip sensors to monitor cardiac tissue, benefiting applications in space for a deeper understanding of the adverse outcome pathways leading to cardiac aging, in particular the ones that are radiation-induced.

Supervisors: Kevin Tabury & Bjorn Baselet

Promoters: Irene Taurino

December 2022 A newly funded project on the development of a multi-parametric sensor for continuous electrochemical monitoring of yeast fermentation: SteerFerm!!!!

We will deliver ready-to-use pre-prototypes that monitor key variables for #yeast growth.

This milestone is crucial for making a bridge with companies that will move the technology to a development stage!!!

A big thank you to Michael Kraft, Nurul Izni Rusli, Kevin Verstrepen & Dimitris Konstantinidis

#bioprocesses #fermentation #monitoring #electrochemistry #sensors

June 2023 Great news 😊 again! We got funded another three-years project with high TRL: QuantPAH!!!!

We will deliver ready-to-use prototypes for a rapid quantification of metabolites in the urine of firefighters!

Thank you to my colleagues Jeroen Vanoirbeek & Patrick Wagner

June 2023 MSCA Staff Exchange Program... won!!! 

Bicyclos aims at foster new applications of Cyclodextrins-based systems as drugs, delivery systems or sensors. The consortium features 11 partners with 4 coming from the private sector!

Congrats to all of us and looking forward to start this wonderful adventure! #euMSCA

June 2023 Amazing news 😊 again! We got funded another four-years project!!!!

HumiPlast aims at addressing the bottlenecks of wearable sensors to track plant stress in real time by proposing groundbreaking devices developed with a new and unexploited printing technique and a truly interdisciplinary approach!

A big THANK YOU goes to my colleagues Veerle Bloemen, Arn Mignon & Bram Van de Poel!

#project #printing #sensors #plant

I am delighted to announce that Dr. Batist Geldhof has won his FWO postdoctoral fellowship and will be joining my team on October 1st 😊

We look forward to our collaboration over the next three years!

We will embark on groundbreaking research in the field of plant diagnostics!

A special thank you goes to the project co-PI Bram Van de Poel 😊