
Irene Miller

Holocaust survivor, author, speaker, educator, mediator

Irene Miller is a retired healthcare executive who has held positions as a hospital administrator, planner, developer, and administrator of the first federally qualified HMO in Michigan, Group Health Plan of Southeastern Michigan. She was director of mental health for Livingston County, Michigan. Irene was director of the psychiatric division at Detroit Osteopathic Hospital and director of treatment centers for drug-addicted and dual-diagnosed women and their children at the Detroit Medical Center. For a year she served in Washington DC on an advisory committee for issues related to drug addiction in women and children. For two years she was a public school teacher in Israel.

In retirement, Irene is a docent and speaker for the Detroit Institute of Arts, a courts mediator, and serves on the Board of Directors of the American Jewish Committee, the oldest civil rights organization in the US. Since the University of Michigan-Dearborn published her book, Into No Man's Land: A Historical Memoir,  in November of 2012, Irene has been in demand as a speaker at many large events in various States the US,  and in  Canada, at professional conferences, military groups, at NASA Space Center, labor unions, churches, schools, universities, adult education centers, at a campus of adjudicated teens, and many other organizations and social clubs. All are listed under "events." The book is being used in many schools as required reading in history and English classes. The memoir and her talks serve Irene's mission to promote tolerance and diversity.

 Irene was interviewed and recorded for Spielberg's  Visual History Foundation.

 The PBS documentary "Irene; Child of the Holocaust" premiered in December 2016

"Shoah Ambassadors" a PBS movie in which Irene took a part, premiered in November 2021 

 The TV program "MI Healthy Mind"  about Irene, originally shown in November 2018, is being repeated periodically.

 A TV program about Irene "Getting Better at Getting Older' premiered in 2023

She was written up in many newspapers in the States she has spoken and been interviewed on radio and for TV programs. 

Irene lived in several countries, traveled extensively, and  speaks 6 languages. She is a positive, energetic woman with a joy of living and love to share.


High School Krakow, Poland

Teachers College, Haifa, Israel

BS in Psychology, University of Cincinnati, Ohio

MS in Social Psychology, University of Cincinnati

 MBA  with a major in hospital management, Xavier University, Cincinnati

Honorary Doctorate in Humanities  Oakland University  2025