
The Red Cross of Constantine is an invitational Masonic Body for Masons who have distinguished themselves in the fraternity. Membership requirements include membership in a recognized Lodge and Chapter of Royal Arch Masons. In addition the candidate must be of the Christian Religion.

Iowa has two Conclaves, St. Bartholomew Conclave (Polk County) and St. Ignatius Conclave (Linn County). Membership invitations are sent out after a person has been proposed and cleared by the National body (the United Grand Imperial Council) and a unanimous ballot is received on the candidate.

The Intendant General serves as the representative of the United Grand Imperial Council and has responsibilities for the Division of Iowa.

The current Intendant General is:

Don Mosier


Past Intendant Generals

1917 William H. Norris

1922 Frederick W. Craig

1935 Charles C. Clark

1942 E. W. F. Holler

1944 Hubert Schouten

1952 George E. Sanders

1964 A. E. Kannewurf

1972 Marion L. Miller

1983 Hugh E. Hossle

1988 Donald E. Stamy

1999 Glenn E. Holmes

2009 Jay Cole Simser

2019 Donald E. Mosier