
Bro Colonel Alexander Roberts Dunn VC

By VWBro Paul Skazin

Mr Alexander Roberts Dunn, was initiated into Ionic Lodge in 1855. The first son of JH Dunn, receiver General for Upper Canada. Dunn attended Upper Canada College and then Harrow, one of England's famous schools. He joined the 11th (Prince Albert's Own) Hussars in March 1852. Bro Dunn was a 21 year old lieutenant (later colonel) on October 25, 1854, when the 11th galloped into history against Russian guns at Balaclava in the bloody ill-fated Charge of the Light Brigade. A non-commissioned officer riding a slow and exhausted mount began falling behind. The straggler's comrades began shouting, 'Sergeant Bentley's cut off!'. Suddenly, in the chaos of battle, Bro Dunn turned his charger back to rescue the sergeant , who was being pressed by three Russian dragoons, (heavily armed mounted troopers.) The rest of the brigade raced on, leaving Bro Dunn to spur his horse towards the first dragoon and sabre him out of the saddle, giving Bentley time to try to escape.For his bravery and courage, Bro Dunn was awarded the British Empire's highest award for heroism for his courage the Victoria Cross. He was the first Canadian to be awarded the VC.

More information on Bro. Dunn on the website of Royal Lodge of Friendship of Gibraltar, where he also was a member

Royal Canadian Legion article about Dunn

More on Colonel Dunn on Wikipedia