Chapter Constitution & By-Laws

Constitution and By-Laws of the Incorporated Orange County Chapter

of the New York State Archaeological Association.

Enacted December 15, 2006

Revised January 1, 2019.

Article I Name

The name of this organization shall be the Incorporated Orange County Chapter of the New York State Archaeological Association.

Article II Objectives

The purpose of this Chapter shall be to promote archaeological and historical study and research covering the artifacts, rites, customs, beliefs and other phases of the lives and cultures of the inhabitants of New York State; to preserve the sites, mounds, buildings, ruins and other evidence of these people; to maintain facilities for the preservation and display of archaeological and historical records and materials; to educate the public with respect to the value of prehistoric and historic cultural resources of the State of New York; to cooperate with the various other chapters of the New York State Archaeological Association and with other similar North American organizations in effecting a wider knowledge of the archaeology and history of the past occupants of New York State; to maintain and distribute periodicals and other journals for the publication of articles and technical papers on the results of field work and research of members or other matters within the purview of the Chapter.

Article III Membership and Election of Members

Membership in the Chapter shall be divided into eight classes as follows: life, sustaining, institutional, active, husband and wife, student, junior and honorary members as further defined in Chapter I of the by-laws of the Chapter. Any person interested in archaeology and willing to subscribe to the objectives of the Chapter may become a member in any of the classes of membership (except honorary) in accordance with the following procedure:

  1. Application for membership in the Chapter.

  2. Payment of necessary dues, as provided in the by-laws.

  3. Acceptance of the application by the Executive Committee of the Chapter.

The Executive Committee may recommend to the membership of the Chapter the removal of an individual from membership in the Chapter for any reason it may deem just cause.

Article IV Voting Privileges

Life, sustaining, active, husband and wife and student members shall be entitled to vote and to hold office in the Chapter.

Article V Officers

Officers of the Chapter shall be a President, a Vice-president, a Corresponding secretary, a Recorder, a Treasurer and four Trustees, with the manner of selection, terms of office and duties as defined in the by-laws.

Article VI Executive Committee

The voting members of the Executive Committee shall consist of the constitutional officers and trustees. All committee chairmen and other officers deemed necessary for the proper functioning of the Chapter shall be non-voting members of the Executive Committee.

Article VII Quorums

A total of eleven members shall constitute a quorum at a meeting of the Chapter. Five voting members shall constitute a quorum at an Executive Committee meeting.

Article VIII Gifts and Grants-in-aid

The Chapter shall be empowered to accept gifts of money or property, grants-in-aid or other monies offered to it from whatever source.

Article IX By-Laws

By-Laws for the further regulation of the Chapter may be adopted and amended.

Article X Alterations and Amendments

Full notice of changes or amendments to the Constitution shall be sent to all qualified voting members at least thirty days prior to the date of voting. Two-thirds of the ballots cast shall be required to amend or to change the Constitution.

Article XI Rulings

All rulings of the Chapter shall be further governed by the Constitution and by-laws of the New York State Archaeological Association. When not otherwise provided for in the Constitution and by-laws of either the Chapter of the New York State Archaeological Association, rulings of the Chapter and its Executive Committee shall be those laid down in the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

Article XII Activities Not In Furtherance of Exempt Purposes

No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes described in section 501(c)(3). No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Article XIII Dissolution

Upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.


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Revised January 2, 2019

Chapter I Membership and Dues

  1. Life, sustaining, active and husband and wife members shall be those individuals that wish to take an active part in the affairs of the Chapter and who are in good standing in their respective classes of membership.

  2. Sustaining members shall be those individuals who wish to make an additional monetary contribution to the New York State Archaeological Association over and above their required dues.

  3. Student members are those members under eighteen years of age who wish to receive the publications of the Chapter and the New York Archaeological Association, or who are persons of any age who are registered students in a recognized institution of learning.

  4. Junior members shall be those members under eighteen years of age who are in good standing in this class of membership in this Chapter.

  5. Institutional members shall be organizations such as museums, libraries, foundations, etc.

  6. Honorary members shall be such eminent individuals as the Chapter, upon recommendation of the Executive Committee, may elect at a regular meeting to receive this honor. It shall not be conferred upon existing members of the Chapter. The Chapter membership may recommend to the Executive Committee the names of candidates for honorary membership.

  7. Annual dues of the above classes of membership shall be as set forth in the by-laws of the New York State Archaeological Association constitution.

Chapter II Duties of Officers

  1. The President, or in his absence the Vice President, or in his absence one of the elected officers present, shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and of the Executive Committee, and shall exercise the customary authority of the office. He or she shall appoint the chairmen of all standing and ad hoc committees, and shall have a vote on all matters.

  2. The Vice President shall have the duties defined in Section I of this chapter and in Article VI of the Constitution and shall have a vote on all matters at any meeting of the Chapter and of the Executive Committee.

  3. The Recorder shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Chapter and the Executive Committee. In the absence of the recorder, a recorder pro tempore shall be appointed by the presiding officer.

  4. The Corresponding Secretary shall take charge of all documents belonging to the Chapter per se; shall conduct its ordinary correspondence; shall bring before the Executive Committee matters requiring its attention; shall present to the Chapter any business which the Executive Committee determines shall be so presented; shall maintain a list of members of the various classes in the Chapter; shall send out notices of all meetings of the Chapter and the Executive Committee; shall maintain current lists of the names and addresses of all officers, Executive Committeemen and members of the appointed committees of the Chapter; shall register these lists with the Secretary of the New York State Archaeological Association; shall submit the necessary assessments and records of Chapter membership to the Secretary of the New York State Archaeological Association; shall be responsible for the distribution of New York State Archaeological Association publications to the Chapter membership and shall be one of the authorized delegates to the New York State Archaeological Association Executive Committee.

  5. The Treasurer shall have charge of all monies of the Chapter per se; shall receive all monies accruing to the Chapter from whatever source; shall pay all bills related to the ordinary running expenses of the Chapter per se which have been approved by the Executive Committee or by the membership; shall send out the annual request for payment of dues by Chapter members and shall collect and record all dues remitted. He or she shall submit to the Chapter Corresponding Secretary a list of those members who have paid their dues and the monies due the New York State Archaeological Association as its share of those dues; shall inform the Executive Committee of all arrearages in annual payments due the Chapter from its members; shall recommend appropriate action in accordance with the provisions set forth in Article III of the Constitution; shall report to the Chapter at its meetings or when otherwise ordered by the Executive Committee the condition of the finances of the Chapter per se, and the receipts and expenditures for the entire year or portion thereof: shall prepare the yearly financial statements to be presented to the Budget and Finance Committee for the audit and thereafter published in the Annual Report.

  6. The Trustees shall audit the books of the Treasurer at the close of the fiscal year. They shall prepare a budget for the ensuing year from the estimated expenditures submitted by the officers and chairmen of the standing committees, such budget to be presented to the membership for approval at the December meeting.

Chapter III Term of Office of Officers

  1. The President, Vice president, Recorder, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer shall serve in their respective office for two years beginning the January 1 immediately following their election to office.

  2. The trustees shall serve for two years beginning the January 1 immediately following their election to office. Two trustees shall be elected in the odd year, and two in the even year.

  3. The Vice president shall assume the office of President in the event of the resignation or demise of the President. In the event of the demise of the Vice president, Recorder, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer or Trustees, the President, subject to approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint an appropriate person to fill the unexpired term of the officer in question.

Chapter IV Executive Committee

  1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Recorder, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer and Trustees. The chairmen of all standing and ad hoc committees as well as the Editor, Librarian and Photographer shall be ex officio members of the Executive Committee with a voice but with no vote.

  2. The Executive Committee shall meet at least four times each year and at such other times and places as are designated by the President and Recorder. In addition, an Executive Committee meeting may be called upon the written request of any five voting members of the Executive Committee.

  3. The Executive Committee shall act on all business referred to it by the Chapter and may initiate any other business at its discretion.

Chapter V Standing Committees

  1. There shall be the following standing committees: Field, Membership, Museum, Public Education, Program, Refreshment and Ways and Means. In addition, there shall be a Chapter Editor, Librarian and Photographer. To each of these committees and functionaries, matters pertaining to their respective subjects may be referred in the intervals between meetings of the Executive Committee. The chairman of each standing committee, as well as each functionary listed above, shall be appointed by the President of the Chapter. Their action shall always be subject to review, revision and reversal by the Executive Committee. The above chairmen and functionaries are expected to attend all meetings of the Executive Committee. They are furthermore expected to submit to the Trustees by December 1 of each year an itemization of anticipated expenditures by their committee during the coming year, to report the activities of their committee at each meeting of the Executive Committee, and to submit a final report of each year’s committee activity to the Corresponding Secretary for publication in the annual report.

  2. The regular duties of the standing committees shall be as follows:

    1. Field Committee: This committee shall direct and/or oversee the Chapter’s archaeological field work, site excavation, analysis and reporting, site surveys, site recording, site files, etc. It shall have the authority to draw up its own rules and regulations pertinent to its own activities, subject to review by the Executive Committee.

    2. Membership Committee: This committee shall have the duty of promoting and innovating programs to increase and motivate the membership, and shall work with the other committees toward these goals.

    3. Museum Committee: This committee shall be responsible for inventorying, cataloging and arranging for the safe storage of all Chapter collections, shall make the catalog and/or collections available for study by authorized persons, shall arrange for the display of selected artifacts at sites chosen by the Chapter, and shall make and continue contacts with known collectors in the area, to encourage the cataloguing and photographing of their collections for the museum records.

    4. Publication Committee: This committee shall work in coordination with the New York State Archaeological Association Publications Committee in encouraging and soliciting manuscripts relevant to New York State archaeology, and shall promote the sale of relevant publications to Chapter members.

    5. Public Education Committee: This committee shall promote the education of the general public concerning the value of our common archaeological resources and about appropriate ways in which those resources can be protected and conserved. It shall further keep the Chapter aware of trends in archaeology, the public’s view of archaeology, and pending legislation relevant to archaeology and/or archaeological resources.

    6. Public Relations Committee: This committee shall be responsible for all publicity relating to the Chapter and its activities.

    7. Program Committee: This committee shall plan and prepare the programs for all Chapter meetings and functions.

    8. Refreshment Committee: This committee shall make the necessary arrangements with regard to the refreshments to be served at Chapter meetings and functions.

    9. Ways and Means Committee: This committee shall be in charge of all Chapter fund raising activities and shall endeavor to bring additional revenues into the Chapter treasury.

  1. The regular duties of the additional Chapter functionaries shall be as follows:

    1. The Editor: The Editor shall be responsible for the preparation and publication of The Orange County Archaeologist. He or she shall also supervise the publication of any other occasional papers and publications of the Chapter as directed by the Executive Committee.

    2. Librarian: The librarian shall be responsible for all books, periodicals and other publications in the Chapter’s possession. He or she shall maintain a catalog of all such items and shall be the repository for Chapter archives.

    3. Photographer: The photographer shall maintain a photographic record of all Chapter activities.

Chapter VI Collections and Equipment

  1. The Chapter shall have the right to own collections, apparatus, books and other equipment deemed necessary by the Executive Committee. These may be acquired by gift or by purchase with Chapter funds appropriated for that purpose by the Executive Committee and approved by the membership.

  2. The Executive Committee may appoint curators to care for the collections to which the Chapter holds title, and may enter into contracts with museums, or with other organizations for the display, storage and use of these collections, books and apparatus. In making such appointments or engaging in such contracts, the Executive Committee shall stipulate that any or all such materials shall be returnable to a person or place designated by the Executive committee whenever it finds it expedient to so order; that all specimens, books and equipment be labeled and indexed as to type and material and ownership by the Chapter; and that there shall be an annual accounting of the status of all its collections and equipment by the appointed curators and organizations with whom the Chapter may have contracts for such purposes.

Chapter VII Publications

  1. The publication of the Chapter shall be The Orange County Archaeologist. Other publications, documents and occasional papers may be printed upon the approval of the Executive Committee.

  2. The publications of the Chapter shall be issued under the supervision of the Editor and with the consent of the Executive Committee. Each member in good standing during the fiscal year shall receive one copy of each publication issued during that fiscal year. Three copies shall be sent to the Chapter librarian for storage in the Chapter archives. Each new member who joins after February 1, and whose dues are paid for that fiscal year, shall receive all publications issued during that year.

  3. The costs of publications shall be defrayed from the funds appropriated by the Executive Committee from the annual payments received by the Chapter from membership dues.

Chapter VIII Meetings

  1. The Chapter shall hold at least an annual meeting during the month of November and other such meetings as shall be determined by the Executive Committee and the membership. A notice shall be sent to each member of the Chapter stating the time and place at which each meeting is to be held.

  2. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President, and shall be called if requested in writing by a total of ten qualified voting members.

  3. Notice of special meetings shall be sent to every member stating the time and place at which such meeting is to be held and the purpose for which it is called. No business shall be transacted except that stated in the notice.

Chapter IX Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Chapter shall begin January.

Chapter X Elections

  1. The election of officers shall be conducted as follows:

      • The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of not less than three members on or before August 15. This committee shall nominate one or more candidates for each office. The slate shall be published in the September issue of The Orange County Archaeologist and shall also be read at the September meeting. Members may make nominations from the floor at this time.

      • Ballots will be sent to all voting members. Ballots must be returned to the Chapter Corresponding Secretary in time for the October meeting, at which they will be opened and tallied and the results announced. A simple plurality of the ballots cast is necessary for election.

      • No person shall hold two elected offices concurrently. An office holder shall resign the office currently held to accept nomination to another elected office.

  2. Newly elected officers shall be presented to the membership at the annual meeting and shall assume their duties on the January 1 following their election. 3. Newly constituted officers shall be elected for a term of two years.

Chapter XI Chapter Finances

  1. By December 1 of each year, each officer and committee chairman must submit to the Trustees an itemization of the anticipated expenditures of his or her office or committee for the coming fiscal year. The Trustees shall draw up the Chapter budget from the submitted data and shall present that budget to the membership for approval at the December meeting.

  2. No officer or committee chairman shall exceed his or her approved budget without the expressed approval of the Executive Committee if the over run is in excess of twenty-five dollars.

Chapter XII Impeachment of Officers, Dismissal of Members.

  1. Any officer of the Chapter may be impeached for any of the following reasons:

    • Failure to perform the duties of the office as specified in the by-laws.

    • Non-attendance at three consecutive Executive Committee meetings or three consecutive Chapter meetings without justifiable reason, the Executive Committee to determine what constitutes justifiable reason.

    • Violations of the objectives of the Chapter as stated in the Constitution.

  2. Impeachment charges must be presented in writing to the Executive Committee and subject to its approval, to the membership thirty days prior to the appointed date of the hearing.

  3. Impeachment shall be by a hearing held at a regular or special meeting of the membership with the members in attendance serving as a jury. The normal procedures of evidence shall be used. Impeachment shall be by a simple majority of those present and voting at the impeachment hearing.

  4. In the event an officer is impeached, the minutes of the hearing shall be forwarded to the Secretary of the New York State Archaeological Association.

  5. A member may be dismissed from the Chapter only for flagrant violation of the objectives of the Chapter as stated in the Constitution. Dismissal proceedings shall follow the same form as impeachment proceedings.

  6. Neither impeachment or dismissal rulings may be grieved.

Chapter XIII General Provisions

  1. All proposed amendments to these By-laws must be submitted in writing at a regular business meeting of the Chapter or of the Executive Committee and be laid on the table until the next business meeting, and the voting membership shall be notified of the nature of the proposed amendment at least two weeks in advance of the final adoption. A majority vote of the members present and voting at a regular meeting, or; of official ballots cast by mail if such ballots are provided, shall be necessary for adoption. However, one or the other method may be utilized for one proposition. Amendments become effective upon adoption.

  2. These By-laws shall not be suspended except for the purpose of expediting the business at hand, and then only by a unanimous vote of the voting members present at a meeting.

  3. This modification of the By-laws of the Chapter, when adopted, shall supersede any preexisting By-laws.

Enacted December 15, 2006

Revised January 2, 2019