Skin Treatments

Result orientated Treatments that will change your skin..............

Radio Frequency Rejuvenation & Lift

Radio Frequency Facials are considered among the most effective non-surgical procedures available today. Radio waves deliver heat energy to the muscles and tissues which stimulate collagen production and triggers tissue contraction. The overall result is tighter,brighter skin and a significant reduction in sagging and wrinkles. Best of all results are immediately noticeable, and they become even more so in the weeks following treatment as the build up of collagen further contracts the skin.  Course of  treatment is 6-9 treatments spaced three weeks apart. 

Great for your body too!

LHE - Radiance Skin Rejuvenation 

The LHE effect on skin texture is based on the stimulation of new collagen growth that will help replenish and even out the shrunken dermis layer. Tone and texture improve and fine lines and wrinkles fade as collagen rebuilds. The creation of new collagen and connective material occurs over a period of a few weeks to a few months. 6-8 treatments 2-3 weeks part lead to improvement in skin texture and the smoothing of fine lines.


Microdermabrasion is mechanical exfoliation that removes the uppermost layer of dead skin cells & triggers a wound response in the skin. As the skin repairs itself, it becomes thicker, smoother, more elastic, and looks healthier as a result. 

For best results, it is recommended you get a series of 4-5 treatments 7-10 days apart and use in conjunction with anti-aging skin care products. Microdermabrasion takes about 30 minutes and there's no down-time for the skin to recover, that's why it's also sometimes called a "lunchtime peel."


 LED Treatments

LED skin rejuvenation uses natural wavelengths of light to stimulate  cellular activity under the skin’s surface.  LED skin rejuvenation offers the best results when it is performed as a series of 8-10 treatments spaced 7 to 14 days apart. This ensures that the skin cells are continually stimulated and that collagen and elastin can be produced at their optimal level.  Treatment time is  20 - 30 minutes,with no down time. It can be part of a facial or a stand-alone treatment. Maintenance treatments are recommended every 30-45  days.

                                                                    Each Treatment includes cleansing & Peel (Lactic or Salicylic)

(You may choose from the other peel options for an additional charge)

       Additional $5 for Glycolic, $5 for blend, $20 for Jessner,$40 for TCA 


Include a Peel for :




 (TCA or Jessner add $10 ea.)

All three -$30(TCA or Jessner $50)

Add LED facial treatment to treatment $15

Add Microdermabrasion to treatment $15

Professional Signature Peels 

TCA Layered Peel 

Trichloro-acetic acid (TCA) peels are medium depth solutions that use high concentrations of trichloro-acetic, glycolic, lactic and salicylic acids to achieve  skin resurfacing and rejuvenation results. More aggressive than superficial and light peels, TCA peels solutions penetrate through the epidermis layer of skin and into the dermis layer. Although recovery times are more extensive than lighter peels, the benefits are superior.

TCA peels are excellent for treating the appearance and texture of rough and dull skin, fine surface wrinkles and superficial blemishes. TCA peels  also reduce the appearance of age spots, brown spots . TCA peels, are  suitable for people with fair to light brown, tan and olive-colored skin tones.

Jesner Peel

Jessners Peel is a superior treatment designed to remove superficial layers of skin. It’s one of the most effective light cosmetic peel available. A Jessner peel consists of a mild peeling agent that can be used to lighten areas of hyperpigmentation and to treat aged sundamged skin. 

The Jessner’s peel is excellent for all skin types. It smoothes and rejuvenates skin, producing beautiful results in treating mild to severe acne, discoloration, moderate wrinkling, and sun damage. Peeling the face, neck, hands, and upper chest is also quite effective. 

The Jessner’s peel combines resorcinol, lactic acid, and salicylic acid to result in deeper penetration and greater exfoliation of the outer layers of skin cells. This deeper exfoliation produces noticeable flaking and exfoliation in the following three to four days after the peel, and within a week a smoother, healthier layer of skin will be revealed

        Skin Peels

Lactic acid-Gentle rapid exfoliator,moisturizing,collagen & elastin stimulator to make skin tighter and firmer.

Salicylic Acid-Oil soluble to penetrate sebum and clean clogged pores.  Decrease fine lines,smooth skin,,even pigmentation while shedding damaged skin cells.

Glycolic Acid-Skin rejuvenator,minimize appearance of fine lines & wrinkles while accelerating renewal process.

Glycolic,Lactic,Salicylic Blend-more intense with the benefits of all three.