Difference between STA and MTA


1.STA stands for Single Threaded Apartment

2.In STA,there may be multiple apartment.But only single

thread can be executed in a apartment.

3.In STA, if there is a need to communicate between threads

we need a proxy, they can not do it directly.

4.MTA applications execute slower than STA

5.If the COM object cannot handle its own synchronization

i.e not thread safe then the STA model can be used


1.MTA stands for Multi Threaded Apartment

2.In MTA, only one apartment will be there and all threads

will execute within that single apartment.

3.In MTA, threads communicate directly to each other without

a proxy.

4.MTA applications typically execute faster than STA because

there is less system overhead and can be optimized to

eliminate system idle time.

5.If the COM object can handle its own synchronization then

the MTA model can be used