Competences for Today’s Mechatronics Trainers


Thanks to the research carried out in the context of DIGITRONICS project activities, project partners have come to many interesting conclusions.

First, early on in the research, which took place in all 5 partner countries, it emerged that there is no “one” professional profile of a mechatronics trainer. The trainer profile depends on:

- The level being taught,

- What type of institution the trainer works for (higher education institution, VET center, a private company, etc.),

- What specialization within the vast mechatronics field is being taught,

- What type of course is the trainer teaching (degree or certification course, short-term or long-term course, in-person, hybrid or online course, etc.)

Still, the research does point to certain “groups” of competencies that are important for mechatronics professionals and, therefore, that trainers should at least be aware of and able to connect these competencies to their own abilities to facilitate learning them. The research also pointed to the increasing importance of transversal skills as mechatronics disciplines start to touch more and more industries and professional fields.

The results of this initial research were submitted to the opinion of 24 experts in the sector belonging to different catégories, from the business world to educational institutions, through 4 focus groups organized in the project companies.

The workshops confirmed the conclusions of the research. They also clarified several topics which should be explored in any mechatronics train-the-trainer program. Here are some non-exhaustive examples: professional development and lifelong learning from trainers; project management and project-based learning; critical thinking/analysis in an increasingly digitized world; simulation for the innovative mechatronics classroom; the best technologies for pedagogical activities; sustainable development and green skills.

Based on this research and suggestions from the experts, DIGITRONICS partners will propose a specific training course that will be available online!

The full report in English is available in the DIGITRONICS website “Download” section.