Downtime Activities
Downtime Processes.
EVENT roll: check if a random event applies to you during your downtime.
Downtime rolls: undertake your Downtime selection.
HEAT roll: check to see if your enemies have taken an interest in you.
The following effect ALL activities 1 for Minor, 2 for Major:
Bad Luck
Lifestyle Mods if applicable:
Destitute Lifestyle (+2)
Poor Lifestyle (+1)
Wealthy Lifestyle (-1)
Filthy Rich (-2)
- Deathwish
- Clueless
- Enemy
- Arrogant
- Heroic
- Outsider
- Overconfident
- Vengeful
- Wanted
- Bad reputation
- Feral Throwback
- Alert
- Charismatic
- Danger Sense
- Miracle Worker
History Catches Up: A character with
- Animosity
- Bloodthirsty
- Enemy
- Mean
- Vengeful
- Wanted
- Freek/Peek/Tweek
- Connections
- Animosity
- Bad Filters
- Big Mouth
- Cautious
- Code of Honor
- Curious
- Death Wish
- Greedy
- Heroic
- Illiterate
- Loyal
- Obligations
- Outsider
- Overconfident
- Phobia
- Vengeful
- Vow
- Yellow
- Debt
- Poverty
- Off the Grid
- Owned
- Shakes
- Unplugged
- Freek/Peek/Tweek
- Lifestyle
- All Thumbs
- Arrogant
- Big Mouth
- Bloodthirsty
- Clueless
- Delusional
- Greedy
- Habit
- Illiterate
- Mean
- Outsider
- Poverty
- Quirk
- Stubborn
- Ugly
- Rascist
- Shell Shock
- Freek/Peek/Tweek
- Charismatic
- Attractive
- Greedy
- Pacifist
- Charismatic
- Attractive
The desired items being attained is the goal and the reward.
Adventure Card; Adventure Cards earned this way also add to the total number of Cards the player may use in a session; earning a bonus Adventure Card means up to two such Cards can be played in a session, while earning two Adventure Cards means a total of three can be played (three should be the absolute maximum, though).
Information; data or clues.
Assets; non-cash goods, such as a SafeHouse location, or an item of value that is available for a short time and must be returned.
Contact; number you can have is limited to StreetRep + LifestyleLevel.
Plot Point: major narrative option.
Clues; ability to recover memories and past experiences that you forgot or missed or overlooked in a past adventure, or that may be applicable now.
Heal; repair physical wounds, addictions or conduct repairs.
Stress; reduce or gain Stress levels or mental illness.
Skills; what Skills you gain will be limited to Knowledge skills. You cannot increase to a level above your Trait.
Heat; this is an abstract score of how much attention you have attracted from your enemies, and represents how much effort they will take to hurt you.
Items: material goods
Benny: benny for individual
Benny Pool, +Benny Pool: create a physical (ST, AG, VG) and intellectual (SM, SP) benny pool for a specific skill. +Benny indicates you may add a benny to an existing pool.
Advantage: +1 modifier that can be used in the next adventure, can be applied after roll, no more than 1 per roll. Come in Physical (ST, AG and VG) and Intellectual (SM and SP) modes.
Memory: add a story to your past, it is now fact.
Tech Advance: prototype equipment.
Street Rep: chnage to your Street Rep.
Harm on an enemy: hinder or hurt an enemy, applicable at some point of your choice.
Lifestyle mod: temporary lifestyle change.
BreakHabit: +1 to addiction breaking roll.
Activity Table
-1 per $10,000 extra
+1 per $10K over $50K
+2 if Milware or Illegal
Objective: Purchase something costing $50K or Milware or Illegal.
Type: Commercial, Personality
Roll: Streetwise
Target: 4
CF: Sting, you face a level 5 charge
Fail: Ripped off, lose 20% of money
Pass: Gain the item
1R: gain 1
2R: gain 2
Gains: 5% reduction, extra item (at cost), free legal item of 5% value.
Objective: help your friend to achieve their task.
Type: Personality, Lifestyle
Roll: same skill
Target: as the one you are assisting.
CF: +2 to their target
Fail: +1 to their target
Pass: no effect
1R: gain 1
2R: gain 2
Gains: +1 to their roll, Benny, Adventure Card
Native area
Objective: This Activity represents a character's efforts to enjoy life, celebrate victories, and (sometimes) seek out information among the revellers in taverns and other places of enjoyment. In general, the point of Carousing is to replenish the spirit and reaffirm life; this is why the ultimate Reward of the Carouse Activity is gaining one or more Bennies. Note that one may not Assist in the Carouse Activity; one Carouses at one's own risk.
Type: Social, Personality, Physical
Roll: Information – Streetwise, Persuasion, Notice
Target: 4
CF: Disturbing the peace charge, level 4 (or +2)
Fail: charge level 2 (or +1)
Success: gain Benny
Raise: gain Benny +1
2Raise: gain Benny +2
Gains: Adventure Card, Plot Point, Asset, Information, Memory, -Stress, Advantage
For Fun roll: Fun – VG or SM
CF: pick 6
Fail: pick 4
Success: pick 2
Raise: pick 1
2Raise: no effect.
Gains: +1FAT*, Loss of $500, Legal charge level 4**, +1 charge level, +Stress
*Carried till next downtime.
** One time choice.
Burn StreetRep
Objective: New Contacts gained from this system operate similarly to Connections in Savage Worlds Deluxe, with the following differences: They are single individuals and should be written up as Allies (the GM can have the player do this, under guidance). Contacts generally don't require rolls to get in touch with them, but may require Persuasion or other efforts to get their help, depending on the story. As a general rule, most Contacts won't be regular, in-the-group Allies, instead being folks who the Heroes can talk to about things, get resource support from, or occasionally call on as back-up for a fight.
Players are limited to a number of contacts equal to Street Rep + Living cost level.
Type: Personality, Social
Roll: Streetwise, Persuasion.
Target: 4
CF: Make a Minor Enemy.
Fail: Nothing
Success: gain new contact, owe a favour
Raise: +gain 1
2Raise: +gain 2
Gains: Benny, remove owed favour, Adventure Card, -$500, Plot point.
Objective: This Activity represents a character's specific intent to pursue a romantic relationship with another character. This may well be something between two player's characters, in which case it will be a strictly roleplaying experience, perhaps amid other Activities. If, however, the character is pursuing a non-player character (NPC), the Social Conflict rules (Savage Worlds Deluxe, page 96) can be adapted to apply game aspects to the pursuit.
This should only be done if the player wants to play it this way; if the GM and player both prefer to make it a purely roleplaying and narrative experience, then the player can use a variation on the Interlude system (Savage Worlds Deluxe, page 91). Such an Interlude is present-time rather than in the past, and the GM and even other players can and should be incorporated in the storytelling aspects as desired.
If the player and GM prefer to make it a bit more abstract and “off screen,” or else just want to allow the character's inherent gifts to more directly influence the outcome (after all, many of us choose to play characters that are far more attractive and charming than we perceive ourselves), then apply the Social Conflict rules with the character either in direct opposed rolls with the target of their affection or, if the story so dictates, a family member or patron of the the intended who may have cause to object to the relationship. Use the following chart for results at the end.
Benefits: a 'partner' will remove 1 level of Stress every downtime of 1 month, and increase Lifestyle level +1 (but not to Rich). Gain a Dependent hindrance.
Type: Personality, Social, Physical
Roll: Persuasion.
Target: 4
CF: forget it.
Fail: -2 levels, if 0 forget it.
Success: gain a level
Raise: gain 2 levels
2Raise: gain 3 levels.
Gains: Levels.
Extra Month
Current mods @-2
Objective: Players may modify their gear in minor ways, customising or enhancing them. A mod should be not-overpowering, +1 damage, +1 to hit, +1 to a single roll, +1 armour, lower weight etc.
Each modification currently on an object will give a permanent -2 to all rolls of the next mod attempted on that same item.
Craftings are personal and specific to the item, eg a specific gun.
Type: Commercial, Physical
Target: 4
CF: Boom, suffer 3d6 damage.
Fail: start again.
Success: protoype, select 4
- jams on any 1's rolled in skill
- james on 1's in damage rolls
- Half normal ammo.
- No Raises.
- Add 1 to jams.
- Jams on raises
- +2 to repair target
Raise: working model, select 2
- jams on any 1's rolled in skill
- james on 1's in damage rolls
- Half normal ammo.
- No Raises.
- Add 1 to jams.
- Jams on raises
- +2 to repair target
2Raise: solid model.
Bonus types: +1 damage, +1 armour, +1 to hit at ?Range, +5 ammo,
Objective: Doing your job to earn extra money.
Type: Commercial, Personality
Roll: SM or direct skill.
Target: 4
CF: Fired.
Fail: nothing
Success: gain 1
Raise: gain 2
2Raise: gain 3
Gains: Bonus $500, Pay rise +$250, Asset, Lifestyle +1 till next downtime (costs 2), Benny, Adventure Card
Objective: This Activity represents a character's efforts to travel around and understand their surroundings, learning all they can about an area. This could be Exploring the urban or other setting the characters are based out of, or it could represent ranging a bit of distance to look into another area (such as some nearby woods, a cave, or ruins).
Type: Physical, History, Personality
Roll: Survival, Streetwise, Notice, Common Know, Stealth
Target: 4
CF: Legal charge level 6. Ambush
Fail: Legal charge level 4. Fight.
Success: gain 1
Raise: gain 2
2Raise: gain 3
Gains: Create pool with 1 Benny (Physical), Plot point, Advantage, Player Benny, +Pool Benny (physical), Adventure Card, Harm enemy, Asset, -Heat (specific), StreetRep+1 , $1000.
Objective: Though related to the Carouse Activity, when a character Gambles, there are specific stakes on the line and the focus is on the game and the people playing. Costs $1000 to perform.
Type: Social, Personality, Physical
Roll: Gambling(*), Persuasion, Streetwise
Target: 4
CF: Gain Debt hindrance.
Fail: lose $1000
Success: gain 1
Raise: gain 2
2Raise: gain 3
Gains: win $500xGameLevel*, Information+, Asset*, Benny, Adventure Card, reroll?
Objective: This Activity represents a character having access to a prisoner of some kind, someone they can spend time attempting to glean or coerce information out of. Note that Negotiate is used for more amicable conversations.
Type: Personality, Social
Roll: Intimidate, Persuasion -VS SP.
Target: 4
CF: dies.
Fail: lies.
Success: average info
Raise: good info
2Raise: great info.
Objective: Whether its pouring over documents and records, or hitting the streets and seeing what's out there and who knows about it, Investigation represents a character's efforts to gain Information about a group, plot, legend, or similar thing. Treat this as a modified Dramatic Task, with each Round representing a use of Investigate (in libraries, or where records are kept), Streetwise (to get a sense of what key folks might know, or what witnesses may have seen), or Notice (to search areas of interest for vital clues).
Type: Commercial, Historical, Social, Personality
Roll: Streetwise, Investigate, Notice
Target: 4
CF: dangerously bad info
Fail: bad info.
Success: gain 1
Raise: gain 2
2Raise: gain 3
Gains: Create pool with 1 Benny (Intellectual), Plot point, Advantage, Player Benny, +Pool Benny(Intel), Adventure Card.
Do your Job
Native area
Game level*
Long term project
Objective: Long Term Projects are Activities that cannot be resolved in a single Activity. However, such things happen as montages in heroic adventure cinema all the time, so this system integrates them into the downtime play relatively seamlessly.
If a character chooses to undertake a Long Term Project as an Activity, it still functions mechanically as an Activity for the session (including taking the standard three Rounds or “Making a Day of It” and using five Rounds). Go ahead and have all the rolls happen during the Day in the Life game play; the assumption, however, is that the project won't be finished (and its results and Rewards applied) until much later.
GMs should feel free to determine how long a specific Long Term Project takes based on their own ideas. However, as a general rule, “about a week” seems to be sufficient for just about any Long Term Project in the movies, whether it's painting a masterpiece, reforging an ancient relic sword, or training in a new and powerful style of combat.
Type: Commercial, Personality
Roll: Streetwise
Target: 4
CF: Lose3
Fail: Lose1
Pass: Gain1
1R: Gain 2
2R: Gain 3
Gains: On 10 Gains complete the project.
Objective: run a business for friend or contact.
On the surface, this is possibly the most boring of all Activities. However, the Rewards may well be worth it, and there can be a lot of satisfaction in knowing your character is managing the productivity and resources of something that matters to them. A character can Manage a Ranger outpost, a farm, a small business (like a tavern or market booth), and number of other things. The Activity is generally the same, though with differences dictated by the specific thing being Managed. Records must be maintained, resources allocated, items bought and sold, and any number of other tasks. Fortunately, this system very handily abstracts all of those tasks into a fast, gamable experience.
Favours gained will relate to ONE contact (assigned)
Type: Commercial, Personality, Social
Roll: Streetwise, SM
Target: 4
CF: -$2000 and -StreetRep.
Fail: -$1000 or StreetRep.
Success: gain 1
Raise: gain 2
2Raise: gain 3
Gains: $1000, Favour, Benny, Adventure Card, +Lifestyle next session (2 gains), Asset, +Benny Pool(Intel)
Objective: Description: This Activity represents a character roaming about, looking for problems to solve and trouble to handle. They may do so out of a sense of duty, obligation, or simply because they are bored and don't know what else to do with themselves.
The GM can choose to create a specific encounter for such characters; they should set this up so that the encounter happens simultaneously with other Activities. Each Round of combat can be done alongside other Rounds of Activity.
Alternately, Patrols can be run as a variant Dramatic Task, employing a healthy melange of Survival/Streetwise (based on environment), Notice, combat Skills (Fighting, Shooting, Throwing, spellcasting), and whatever else makes sense.
Type: Personality, History, Physical, Social
Roll: Streetwise, Know Battle.
Target: 4
CF: ambushed
Fail: battle at dis-advantage
Success: gain 1 + battle
Raise: gain 2 + battle
2Raise: gain 3 + battle
Gains: Lifestyle increase this session and next, Gain an Ignore Card option at next Downtime, Favour, Benny, Adventure Card, Gamble Street Rep, Avoid battle, Try to Set Ambush, +Benny Pool(Phys), Advantage
Objective: gain a memory of your past, ie make one up and it is now true. The player MUST write the words.
Type: Personality, History
Roll: Healing, VG, SP.
Target: 4
CF: Trauma, gain a hindrance or phobia.
Fail: Fake memory, gain a Quirk
Success: Minor (20 words?)
Raise: Major (50 words)
2Raise: Major plus (50 words) OR gain Alternate Identity (Edge)
Objective: This Activity represents a character seeking all the information available about a subject, and/or possibly experimenting with things to improve a process, spell, item, etc.. Research is one of two Activities that can actually result in improving a character similarly to the expenditure of Experience Points. Some GMs may wish to restrict its use, or at least the frequency of such use. At any rate, Research is definitely a Long Term Project.
Type: Commercial, Personality
Roll: appropriate skill.
Target: 4
CF: +Stress.
Fail: time wasted
Success: gain 1
Raise: gain 2
2Raise: gain 3
Gains: Information, Clues, Plot point, Benny pool (intellectual), +Benny pool(Intel), Advantage
Objective: Sometimes a character just needs to rest and relax. This Activity is most useful for natural Healing and getting rid of Fatigue. As well, it will serve to help casters who've used up most or all of their Essence to get it back before something major happens.
For those characters who do nothing but Rest even though they don't actually need to. A simple Spirit or Vigor roll is all that is required to gain this Reward (though the GM may impose situational penalties if they are attempting to Rest under less- than-optimal circumstances). This is, by the way, a good default activity for characters whose players are not present for the session.
For a Repair option you work on your equipment that has permanent damage, you gain +2 due to the time taken and access to workshop. You can try to repair multiple items at appropriate penalty.
Type: Personality, Physical
Roll: Healing, SP, VG, Repair
Target: 4
CF: time wasted, +Stress, item destroyed.
Fail: time wasted.
Success: gain 1
Raise: gain 2
2Raise: gain 3
Gains: -Heal, -Stress, BreakHabit, Benny, Adventure Card, Advantage, +Benny pool(phys), Repair item.
Objective: Similar to the Reminisce Activity, characters who Socialize are indulging in a purely narrative activity, though this time in the present tense instead of telling a story about their past.
Type: Personality, Social, History,
Roll: Streetwise
Target: 4
CF: lose StreetRep and Contact
Fail: lose StreetRep
Success: gain 1
Raise: gain 2
2Raise: gain 3
Gains: -Stress, -Heal, Benny, Adventure Card, StreetRep, Information, Asset
Objective: gain a Knowledge Skill level, not above Trait.
Type: Personality,
Roll: SM
Target: 4
CF: +Stress.
Fail: wasted.
Success: gain 1
Raise: gain 2
2Raise: gain 3
Gains: +1 BennyPool(intellectual), Advantage, Gain KnowSkill Dice level(2 gains), Gain new KnowSkill
Write an Engram
Take it on the Lamb
Use the rules, gain +2 due to time.
Objective: There will be times when the players need to hide to remove Heat.
Type: Personality, History
Roll: Streetwise, Stealth, Survival
Target: 3 + Heat Level.
CF: Ambush
Fail: Gain +1 Heat all.
Success: gain 1
Raise: gain 2
2Raise: gain 3
Gains: -1 Heat(all), -3 Heat, Heat Report