Conversations with the Transcendors


‏‏ Authored by our source

The Interdimensional Angels' contacts with our contact and other humans worldwide brings a new dimension to mankind’s interaction with the universe. Since WW2, mankind has witnessed, contacted, been abducted and communicated with aliens, invariably from our galaxy and from the fourth dimension. On a few occasions aliens have arrived on Earth by accident. They come in their spacecraft which we have classified as UFOs, i.e., they are usually large, circular craft; they fly without noise and usually display a variety of lights; and their strange manoeuvres and extreme speeds defy our third dimension physical laws. This is the standard perception of our alien visitors.

However, recently we have been witnessing in our skies, a phenomena of a different form -- “lights” in various shapes, seemingly non-physical and obviously under intelligent control in their contacts with human beings. From all reports and communications, these strange visitors identify themselves as Interdimensional Angels. They revealed that they were of a higher order and not aliens in our general concepts of those beings. In their communications with our contact and with others on Earth -- whom they identify as their “Ambassadors”-- they declared “We are from the Creator. We were present at the Creation and are Creators ourselves.” Obviously, the Interdimensional Angels were from a spiritual realm in the vast Cosmos and that they were not from another planetary system within our third dimensional reality. It is a fascinating phenomena and I decided to investigate this mystery with the Transcendor Group.

Who are the Transcendors?

The Transcendors are a spiritual group of 43,000 souls who function as a single mind and blend their wealth of experience and knowledge to provide advice and assistance to entities throughout the universe. They are very old souls with a vast collection of experience gained from incarnations in all parts of the universe and the spiritual realms. Some of them have been great military and political leaders of Empires and States, others have achieved great fame and notoriety in the fields of medicine, engineering, sociology, psychology, economics and other professions. Others have started religions and some have ended religions. Theirs is a vast range of experience which provides the Transcendors' wealth of wisdom. These entities have no voice-box since they are spirits. They communicate with humans and others throughout the universe by thought through the channeller’s voice-box.

The soul at the subconscious level (called Heaven, Paradise, Nirvana, Happy Hunting Grounds or whatever you wish to call it) is non-separate from all other souls in the universe. They are all part of God’s creation. That is the reality, although many souls are not sufficiently developed to be aware of this. The subconscious minds of souls in the spiritual plane are in constant communication with our conscious minds on Earth, and indeed, throughout the universe. Humanity is becoming more aware of this reality with the increasing interaction with the spiritual world and our rising consciousness to understand and accept more of the mysteries of God’s creation.

This spiritual truth has arrived in the words of Pope John Paul II who wrote to the Jesuit journal “Cittica” shortly before he died, that Heaven and Hell do not exist as places --- they are a state of mind. Unfortunately, the Church’s hierarchy has not as yet passed down this important doctrine to the parishioners in spite of the serious implications that it brings to religious beliefs and doctrines relating to ‘Judgement’ and the realities of the spiritual world. The Transcendors tell us that God does not sit in judgement of His/Her children. We sit in judgement of our lives --- and we will --- when we return to the spiritual plane; not in judgement for punishment or reward, but in soul balance.

Since the developed souls are non-separate and are non-judgemental of anyone and anything, I concluded that they have the knowledge and authority to speak about the mystery of the Interdimensional Angels. The following is a brief summary of my dialogue with the Transcendor Group on this subject.

Question: Where are these spiritual entities called Interdimensional Angels from — are they from the spiritual plane?

Transcendors: Basically yes; but mostly from the Seventh Dimensional reality which is often referred to as the Angelic reality where all angels exist, although they are not all angels. The concept of angels is firstly, they have no souls. Angels are a concept of Creative Consciousness. They are of pure spirit created from God and since they have no souls, they do not have Free Will and Choice which all soul beings have in order to experience and progress in God’s eternal creation.

Ques: Do they have individuality?

Trans: These entities you speak of, the Interdimensional Angels do, because they have souls. The angels do not.

Ques: What is the objective of their interaction with our contact and many other souls on Earth and elsewhere?

Trans: Awareness and understanding — that you are not alone in this universe. The Interdimensional Angels provide an awareness that there is more than just a physical existence; there is a continuity of existence beyond the body. So, their appearance is an affirming of the spiritual state itself, that you exist beyond your dimensional reality and they are there to confirm that in your world. So, your contact sees in a manner that is acceptable to himself and he sees them as angels and are presenting themselves as such. He sees them as very positive and helpful.

The Interdimensional Angels are also learning. They are learning what it is like in a third dimensional reality. They are learning what it is like in an extremely competitive reality of our third dimension --- up and down, right and wrong, good and bad, and the extreme competitiveness in which you exist. The emotional energies of your earth are unique in the universe, and for many aliens with little or no emotions it is extremely difficult to understand, if at all.

Ques: The Interdimensional Angels have said that they are from the Creator and they are Creators themselves, and indeed they were at the beginning of Creation. What is your comment?

Trans: All souls were at the beginning of Creation when God created all souls --- and so were you. When we entered the physical universes and other spiritual realms, it was like a curtain had descended behind us, cutting off any memories of the Creation until such time as when we return to the Creator, or, our soul has achieved a high level of development --- obviously, the Interdimensional Angels are at that level and they are still experiencing God’s creation in all its mysterious planes. You also are a part of the Creative Consciousness. Everything that happens, whether you realize it or not, you are a part of. Nothing is created in the universe that you are not a part of, because you are not separate from that Creative Consciousness.

Remember that the soul is non-separate from all other souls in Creation. It is not a state of awareness, but it is a reality. You sense an individuality in your incarnations in the third dimension and elsewhere, but that is only a small part of your total spiritual entity which consists of your conscious, subconscious, and superconscious soul, acting separately in various dimensions, but yet it is one. You are like a drop of water in the ocean. You may focus in your individuality, but yet you are part of the vast entity.

Ques: How did these highly developed spiritual entities travel to Earth?

Trans: Basically it is a concept of Stargate Vortexes. Think of it as a hole through dimensional time and space. The spiritual entities present themselves in the most acceptable format with whomever they are interacting with. They are presenting themselves as angels which is a very positive concept and it registers with the philosophical or faith belief of the contactee. And they show themselves as intelligent beings with a positive intent to give a sense of direction and guidance.

Now why our contact? Basically, because his mind is open to such and is willing to open himself to that communicative process, which allows others to interact in your reality.

Ques: How did the Interdimensional Angels contact the humans on Earth whom we call "Ambassadors"?

Trans: The individuals are open to intuitive levels. One would need a certain state of mind consciousness and would have to be receptive in order to be receptive of the interaction.

Ques: Do the Interdimensional Angels have many contacts (Ambassadors) on Earth?

Trans: There are several hundred of them and their interaction with the Interdimensional Angels varies; some are more clear, some are a little distorted, some are more frequent. It varies according to their interaction.

Ques: The Interdimensional Angels said that they are coming back and the world needs be ready to meet them. That sounds rather ominous. What is the implication of such?

Trans: That is an interpretive concept. Don’t all things end? The Interdimensional Angels are indicating that you don’t have to take the negative paths — there are more positive ways. You don’t have to choose warfare over peace in order to prosper and gain.

Basically, mankind is rising to another level of spirituality and your materialism consciousness becomes less. It reflects the end of one consciousness, but it is not the end of mankind. Mankind will survive, but in a higher spiritual consciousness.

Already, there are large number of entities who have incarnated on Earth with a higher spiritual awareness. They are now teenagers and many in their twenties and early thirties. They don’t see differences, they don’t see separation. They see commonality, they see sameness. They will help in raising mankind’s spiritual awareness to a higher level which is essential if you are to meet and overcome the great changes of the future.

Ques: Is it possible to arrange a massive public display of the Interdimensional Angels over one of our major cities? That would surely have a major impact on our spiritual awareness which is their concern.

Trans: The Interdimensional Angels are more of a perceptual manifestation. Some people see ghosts and some people can’t; so, only those who have that perceptual capability like our contact will see them.

Transcript posted April 28, 2009