Resource List

The recommendations here are organized by and based on the TESOL Technology Standards, particularly the Technology Standards for Teachers.

TESOL Technology Standards

TESOL Technology Standards Framework Document: This is a free download, available at

The Framework Document lists the TESOL Technology Standards for Students and the Standards for Teachers. It provides all of the goals and standards, and some examples of performance indicators and vignettes that demonstrate the use of the standards in specific contexts.

TESOL Technology Standards: Description, Implementation, Integration. This is a book available for purchase from TESOL. See more at

The book includes much more background information, the research basis, comparison between the TESOL Standards and the ISTE and UNESCO technology standards, recommendations for teacher educators, recommendations for administrators, and recommendations for online courses. It also includes all of the Student and Teacher goals and standards, performance indicators and vignettes for each standard, and rubrics for teachers and institutions to self-assess.

Goals and Resources

Teacher Goal 1: Acquire and improve basic knowledge and skills in evaluating and using technology

Sample resources for teachers to stay abreast of current trends in technology use, and to improve their basic skills in appropriate use of technology.

Teacher Goal 2: Integrate pedagogical knowledge and skills with technology appropriately to enhance language teaching and learning

Sample resources:

Teacher Goal 3: Apply technology appropriately in record keeping, feedback, and assessment

Sample resources to try:

    • Feedback

      • Microsoft Word's Track Changes and Insert Comments (from the Review ribbon)

      • Google Docs:

      • Simultaneous editing; collaborative writing; can label who does what

    • Assessment

Teacher Goal 4: Use technology appropriately to improve communication, collaboration, and efficiency

Sample resources to try:

The 6 Principles for Exemplary Teaching of English Language Learners

TESOL International Association initiative to create a research-based set of principles that teachers can put into practice in their classrooms.


Find links to the brochure and publications there

Presentation handouts and related material (also see attachments below)

Last updated 7 November 2021 by D. Healey.