

The reproducibility of large-scale, complex analyses is one of the paramount problems of bioinformatics.  This is a non-trivial engineering problem that must be addressed to perform high quality research.  The System for Quality-Assured Data Analysis (SyQADA), a workflow automation system described here, seeks to address reproducibility while imposing minimal intellectual over-head on the user.  SyQADA can be contrasted with other workflow systems because its only dependencies are a unix operating system providing the bash shell and a standard installation of python 2.71.

A SyQADA workflow is simply a list of task definitions.  To create new workflows, a user must write a bash script template that uses a simple syntax for specifying parameters that will be substituted with input and output filenames, sample names, and other values that can vary with each invocation of the script.  However, SyQADA comes bundled with common next-generation sequencing (NGS) analysis pipelines including those for sequencing alignment, coverage profiling, variant calling, mutation detection, copy number profiling and variant annotation/reporting.


Download syqada.tar.gz, extract it and build it with the following three commands 

> tar -xvzf syqada-0.1.2.tar.gz

> cd syqada-0.1.2.tar.gz

> bin/package queue skip-tests

Quick start example

There is an example workflow haplohseq.protocol in the example directory of the syqada download that you can process.  You can execute from the example directory of the tar.gz extraction to run the complete example.

> cd syqada/example/haplohseq

> ./

This script, executes three main steps of an NGS allelic imbalance analysis workflow.

The files used to configure the workflow can be found in the example/haplohseq/control directory.

To use an existing NGS workflow, this is sufficient.  See below for a brief description of these files or to generate detailed documentation for the framework, run:

syqada manual

However, to create a new workflow, you would need to create your own simple task and template definitions for steps in the workflow.  Examples of those are provided for this workflow in the example/haplohseq/tasks and example/haplohseq/templates directories.

syqada parameters

> syqada --help

File descriptions and formats

input files

protocol file

Lists sequential steps to be executed by the workflow.

config file

Specifies software and data dependencies for the workflows.  These variables can be referenced in protocol, task and template files so that workflows can easily be ported to other platforms by simply modifying config files.

samples file

Lists names of samples to process through workflows.  These names are used as prefixes for intermediate and output files of the workflow.

tasks and templates

These are definition files for steps in the workflow.  Tasks define resources needed for a step in the workflow to be executed on an LSF or PBS cluster (or on a local server or desktop).  Tasks also allow the user to split jobs based on chromosomes.  Template files define the actual step to be executed.

output reports

log files

Log files are generated for all steps in the workflow including logs for console output, errors and a job completion status.