auto insurance kent washington
Post date: Sep 18, 2020 5:29:34 PM
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Auto Insurance - Get an Exemption
Senator Kent Washington, R-Kent, has recently introduced legislation to help drivers who get caught by the law on auto insurance. He is proposing a new law that would give people who are caught with more than one vehicle with a stolen car or if they have an uninsured motorist policy an exemption from getting the fines and surcharges.
Washington said that the goal of his legislation is to help people who have been victimized in some way. The laws that are currently in place for auto insurance are already quite strict. He said that the current laws are making it difficult for many people to keep their insurance on their vehicles, especially if there are too many policies with them.
Washington said that there are many drivers who are unaware of the fact that the current laws are so strict and that there is little room to be able to claim for a car that is totaled. He believes that it is important to allow people to know what is being done by the state to keep the roads safe.
The proposed legislation will help drivers, both those with a stolen car or with an uninsured motorist policy, get a break from the fines and surcharges by simply declaring that they had one of those types of policies on their vehicle. They will not have to prove anything to the authorities that the insurance policy was on their vehicle. There are a number of things that you can do in order to qualify for this type of exemption.
One thing that you should look for when you are looking for an exemption for your auto insurance is that the person who is giving you the exemption must be a licensed insurance agent. It is illegal to sell insurance policies from the individual without a license. Anyone who gives you a license as an individual is not really an agent and cannot legally give you an exemption.
If you think that your current company, whether they are in business or not, is giving you the type of auto insurance that you need to keep your car or truck running properly then you may be able to get an exemption. This will allow you to keep your current policy or you may qualify for a discount on the insurance. Washington said that any company that gives you a discount for your auto insurance needs to be licensed.
Washington also feels that you should be allowed to keep driving the vehicle for up to 30 days after you are given the waiver. and he believes that this would be a good time for you to contact your company to check if you qualify. or if so.
Washington is not the only one proposing a bill like this. The House of Representatives is planning on doing something similar. If you live in New Jersey and are having a hard time finding the right company to insure your car then you may want to ask your representatives there to give you a call. He says that a lot of good companies are in New Jersey that will give you a great discount.
In order to get your auto insurance back you will need to pay some extra money but you can do so. This may be easier said than done but it is worth it if you get your auto insurance from an honest company.
In Washington state a person who drives uninsured could lose his or her driver's license for one year or even longer. If the person is caught driving underinsured it can cost them even more.
So, if you have been paying more than your fair share of money for auto insurance in the past make sure that you check with your Washington representatives to see if you can qualify for a discount. an exemption now. The time to act on this idea is now before it is too late. and your insurance rates increase.