Additional Resources

The organizations, web sites, and publications listed here are excellent resources for further information on adoption, adoption advocacy and educational opportunities around adoption.

Adoption Learning Partners offers "meaningful, timely, web-based educational adoption resources for professionals, parents, adopted individuals, and the families that love them." Excellent e-learning opportunities (e.g. webinars, online materials) for anyone in the adoption constellation, no matter where you're located.

Pact, an Adoption Alliance offers adoption-related services for children of color, their birthparents, and their adoptive parents on matters of adoption and race.

This family law practice has compiled a comprehensive list of additional resources on a multitude of adoption topics.

For grandparents raising grandchildren, RetireGuide offers support and resources.

The TIES program offers extensive adoption resources including organizing adoption travel and birthland visits.

The Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute is a leader in adoption research, education and advocacy.

Adoption Mosaic offers intelligent, compassionate discussion and education on adoption – for all members of the adoption constellation. Particular focus areas include transracial adoption and the adoptee perspective. Publishes The Adoption Constellation, a magazine on adoption.

The Department of State’s web site on intercountry adoption. Includes overviews of international adoption processes by country and information about the Hague Adoption Convention.

The Center for Adoption Support and Education (C.A.S.E.) is dedicated to providing support and education to everyone in the adoption community. In addition to its information-filled web site, C.A.S.E. offers workshops, publications, a great e-newsletter, seminars and webinars for adoption and general audiences nationwide.

Adoptive Families Magazine is full of information on most aspects of adoption. Their Adoptive Families Circle hosts online forums and discussion groups.

Minneapolis-based Children’s Home Society and Family Services is a nationally-recognized leader in adoption and adoption education and offers extensive resources and learning opportunities for adoptive families, their loved ones, and their communities.

The web site of the Family Equality Council is a resource for information and support for GLBT families and their loved ones.

The Joint Council on International Children’s Services is to advocate on behalf of children in need of permanent families and to promote ethical practices in intercountry adoption. For waiting families and their loved ones, one of the greatest assets of the website is the information provided on adoption issues in sending countries, including up-to-date information on the status of adoption (holds, legal changes, etc.) by country.

Rainbow Kids is an "Adoption Advocacy Website," the largest and oldest website helping people to adopt from multiple countries. Through RainbowKids, thousands of special needs and waiting children have found families.

Mesothelioma Hope offers support for children whose loved one has cancer.

The Spoon Foundation is the "go-to feeding and nutrition resource for adoptive and foster families." Check out their "nutrition by-country" feature.

Developed by adoptive parents, Amharic Kids was created to "meet the need for easily accessible books, toys, and handicrafts related to Ethiopia." A portion of all sales supports programs in Ethiopia.