
Workshop Schedule 2024-2025

September 28th: Clinician Workshop with John Crever~ "The Feierabend Approach to Music Education, An Overview" 

Location:  Snowdon Elementary ~ 6323 S. Holly Road/Cheney, WA 99004

Time: 8:30-9:00 Registration ~ 9-3pm Workshop ~ 12-1pm Lunch

6.0 clock hours available through WMEA for attending this workshop.

Registration Form for the John Crever Clinician Workshop

October 19th: Fall Sharing Workshop

Location:  Snowdon Elementary ~ 6323 S. Holly Road/Cheney, WA 99004

Time: 8:30-9:00 Registration ~ 9-3pm Workshop ~ 12-1pm Lunch

6.0 clock hours available through WMEA for attending this workshop.

Registration for Fall Sharing Session

March 15th: Spring Sharing Workshop

Location:  Snowdon Elementary ~ 6323 S. Holly Road/Cheney, WA 99004

Time: 8:30-9:00 Registration ~ 9-3pm Workshop ~ 12-1pm Lunch

6.0 clock hours available through WMEA for attending this workshop.

Registration Form for Spring Sharing Session

April 12th: Clinician Workshop with Falane Gerritsen ~ "SEL in the Schulwerk"

Location:  Opportunity Elementary ~ 1109 S. Wilbur Road/Spokane Valley, WA  99206

Time: 8:30-9:00 Registration ~ 9-3pm Workshop ~ 12-1pm Lunch

6.0 clock hours available through WMEA for attending this workshop.

Registration Form for the Falane Gerritsen Clinician Workshop

2024-2025 Workshop Promotion:

If you are an IEOC and AOSA member and pay for all four of our workshops for the year by the first workshop (September 28th) than you can save $20 for the whole year!  If you are interested, click the link the workshop registration for the September 28th workshop and continue to check that box for each subsequent workshop registration form to indicate your payment method. NEW POLICY: There will be added fees for non-AOSA members.

Bring a Friend-Get a Gift!

If you bring a friend to a workshop in 2024-2025, you are eligible for a free gift from the surprise grab bag or you can get 5 raffle tickets for free that enter you in a drawing for some big prizes from our raffle table.  Be sure to let us know at the registration table at the workshop if you qualify for this and we will hook you up!

Workshop Fees 


Don't forget to become a member and save on workshop fees!

Remember, a filled out membership form and dues are required each year to be eligible for the lower price.  Workshop fees can be paid by clicking the links to the registration forms under each workshop listing.

AOSA & IEOC Member:  

Sharing Session $35.00

Clinician Workshop $45.00

IEOC Member (Only): (AOSA member dues added):

Sharing Session $45.00

Clinician Workshop $55.00

Non-IEOC Member & AOSA Member:

Sharing Session $65.00

Clinician Workshop $85.00

Non-IEOC Member & Non-AOSA Member (AOSA member dues added):    

Sharing Session $75.00

Clinician Workshop $95.00

Collegiate Member (free membership–but please fill out membership form):

All Workshops               $11.00 each

Retired Teacher (free membership–but please fill out membership form):

Free                                $0

Beginning Teacher ($32 membership to IEOC):

**Free**                        $0**

**Free workshop registration for First Year for teachers who have paid the $32 Beginning Teacher's membership fee.

*All workshop fees include additional expenses for using our online payment service called "Square."

Membership drawing:

**We will do this drawing for our last year's winner at our first workshop of the year! The person we draw will get to have a free workshop in the 2024-2025 year. 

And again, for this coming year (2024-2025), when you register to become an IEOC & AOSA Member, you will be put into a drawing for a FREE entry to a workshop in the 2025-2026 year.