Injury Lawyer Barrie 77

What Does Injury Lawyer In Barrie Do After Accepting A Dog Bite Injury Claim?

You don’t have to be in a car accident to get hurt. You can be severely injured if someone’s dog bites you. Although you cannot settle the compensation claim immediately, you need to consult the lawyer soon after the accident. They can guide you regarding what to do immediately so that once you file the compensation claim, your damages can be maximized.

Medical care

When you have got deep injuries from the dog’s bite, you should immediately seek medical attention. The detection of every injury and the subsequent treatment is essential to safeguard your health and also for maintaining the thorough report of all the medical proceedings that will matter a lot in the courtroom. The medical report is the chief tool of the Injury Lawyer in Barrie to confirm the seriousness of the wounds and establish that the wounds are the result of the dog’s bite. The medical professionals will also ensure that the animal control authority and the police receive the complete report.

File a report

Medical attention is the first necessity, and the next important action is to officially file a report with the police. When you contact the emergency service and the police, there will be an immediate paper trail elaborating on the incident and injury. The Injury Lawyer in Barrie can use this report and the further filing of reports to establish the right time, date, nature of the accident, and other related information. It will help build the case well, as the report will be the pivotal point of placing the compensation claim. The documentation will iterate the reasons for the injuries and the extent of the wounds too.

Gathering information

Your job ends by getting the contact information about the owner of the dog. If you know the pet’s owner, then there is no need to collect that information. Now it’s the turn of the Injury Lawyer in Barrie to collect further information about the dog, its records, and the owner. If the dog has a violent streak and has reports of biting others without any reason in the past, then it will be easier to claim compensation. The eyewitnesses can testify in the courtroom, too, to prove that you have not instigated the animal in any way to cause such a violent reaction.

Photographs of the injuries

The medical reports and pages of documentation regarding the injuries will be staunch evidence of your condition. But do you know what affects the jury members more than these reports? The photographs of the terrible wounds and your condition right after the bite when receiving the treatment. The relevant images will not only help the Injury Lawyer in Barrie to protect you from possible disputes but also aid in triggering an immediate sympathetic feeling in the jury members. Visit Here: Makaronets Personal Injury Law